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I just made such a stupid mistake!

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I'm in tears. What a dummy I am!! It would be too long to explain, but basically I accidentally dropped a course and the system won't let me register for it again. I had to use an override to get in the first time and it must have expired because I'm going to need an override again. AND the university is closed due to snow. This class is highly competitive to get into and there is no way my spot will still be there when, and if, the university opens tomorrow. To justify the costs, I have to take 3 classes and without this one class, I am down to 2. That means I'll have to drop my entire schedule and wait until summer to get back into school. I am absolutely heartbroken and feel utterly stupid!

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There should be an omsbudsperson office at the college that can help with this. You have to move fast on it, though, because of the competitiveness of the class. I'd get over there pronto and do it in person--it's much harder to say no to someone who is pleasant and right in the room with you and who has the right on her side.

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Oh no! I've clicked on the wrong thing with computer registrations too - it's so incredibly frustrating!!! If you're able, I'd go to the registration office first thing in the morning - or whenever they open after the snow closure and plead your case. I hope all works out well. :grouphug: Saying a prayer for you too. :)

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Yes, a kind and sympathetic person can override the computer. When I was in college I had a situation where I needed the dean to override an error for me. The fire marshall had come in over the summer and cut classroom occupancy in 1/2 so they dropped all the juniors out of the class. I was a senior, but my advisor had goofed up and dropped me. I remember the dean saying, "To h#ll with the Fire Marshall" while he signed my form. :D

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Nope, the class spot is filled already. I knew it would be. But still, I'll phone in the morning and have them do the override again just in case a spot opens again. Registration closes friday night.


All operations are closed today.


Well, on the bright side, I will get a full refund, so it won't be a costly money mistake. That would have been even worse.

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