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link to casual/hip church spoof

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sorry, I've tried a search, but my brain cannot think of an accurate search title...


someone here a while back shared a link to a spoof video, it was of a hip-casual church type service and started off with the band and band leader singing something like "here's the song with lots of guitar, ...I'm going to sing these words over and over..." very paraphrasing this...and then they showed everyone in the front row holding starbucks cups...


I was telling a friend about it and need the link...


anyone? or someone with better search capabilities than I?


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That's the one I remember! :lol: Good job, Ibby!


Yay! :hurray: :) I'm so glad it was the right one. It was funny.


I liked the young guy with the screen tee and cool glasses who opens his arms to reveal his tatoo showing that he has a past. That cracked me up. hehehehe


I serve in the middle school ministry at my church and that video definitely had me chuckling. I see stuff like this all the time at my church, although maybe not to that extreme. It was funny though. It's good to be able to laugh at the silly things we do. :)

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I loved that one. My in-laws (whom I like) are a bit like that, down to the contemporary band and tattoos.


:) The Youth pastor where I serve always wears the screen (screen or screened??) t-shirts and has the tattoos too. We even do the whole video, lights and contemporary worship band. :lol: But they don't sell their cd's in the youth band, that's saved for the "big church" in the main sanctuary. :lol::lol:

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Ibby, thank you! That is exactly the video I was looking for!


Usually I post stuff I like on my FB page, then I can find them again, but this might have offended some in my family... gosh, it was funny tho! :001_smile:


thanks Heather for posting it originally :lol:

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I think it's funny. I think everybody should be able to laugh at themselves. It's good to be able to recognize the humor in the silly things we do. :) And if some are won because of the type of service that the church provides, then God be praised. I think Paul sums it up best when he says, "I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some." I think that is the heart behind it and there's nothing wrong with that. :)

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