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FlyLady Encouragements

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If anyone has considered using the FlyLady system for gaining control of the house, they have a cute, silly video on their new website. They have also done a lot to change things and make the system more streamlined, like eliminating all the annoying email reminders, and have them all delivered once each morning through a digest from Big Tent. They also started a fantastic (free) online calender system with desktop reminders for appointments, grocery lists, zone cleaning schedules, blogging, at cozi.com . Here is the link to the video on sink shining, which really can be the difference between a bad day and a good day. :)


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Thanks for the update. I'm a flylady fan, but not a daily follower. The book was enough for me, as the e-mail were so numerous. But they did help. I may take the plunge again, since it's been a number of years.


(I'm sort of a mini-flylady, as I try to work the system and declutter during the winter. That way, I'm free to enjoy the nice weather and skip the spring cleaning.)

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I sort of follow FlyLady. I have a morning and weekly cleaning routine inspired by her. I also deep clean on the same zone schedule they use, and I read Kelly's missions most weeks.


Thanks for the TV link. I'll have to watch that when I get time.


I have never tried the emails since people said they are overwhelming. Now that they have simplified them are they worth getting?

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FlyLady has always been something I've wanted to do, but I couldn't get past many of the irritating things about the system. If any of you have an ipod touch, iphone or ipad, you might get the app HomeRoutine. It's not affiliated with FlyLady but written to work with the system. You can set up zones, reminders and you have a checklist, to do list, morning and evening routines, etc. I can't write a long gushy review of how it changed my life forever (as is so popular on the FlyLady email list) ;) mainly because I just downloaded it yesterday, so cross your fingers for me. I really need to get a handle on the housework this year.

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...I have never tried the emails since people said they are overwhelming. Now that they have simplified them are they worth getting?


Yes, I love the morning digest. It has a simple daily *to do* list for the day, a simplified weekly zone list, and then follows with shared testimonials if you want to read them.


... If any of you have an ipod touch, iphone or ipad, you might get the app HomeRoutine. It's not affiliated with FlyLady but written to work with the system. You can set up zones, reminders and you have a checklist, to do list, morning and evening routines, etc...


Their new cozi calender has been set up this way, and you can download an ap to do these things, too, like sending your grocery list to your phone, etc. I wish, wish, wish that I had a fancy phone! And to think my dh is a cellular switch engineer and we get the generic, practical phones...not fair, not fair! :D

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Yes, I love the morning digest. It has a simple daily *to do* list for the day, a simplified weekly zone list, and then follows with shared testimonials if you want to read them.




Okay, I'll check it out. Thanks for the suggestion.


P.S. No fancy cell phone at my house either. I just got texting capabilities last week. LOL!

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I jokingly tell folks, the flylady says to get up, shower, dressed and put on your face!

I did that, looked in the mirror and said, girl, you need to go shopping, get out of this dirty house!!

I left and went shopping!


The thing for FlyLady is to be flexible!

I clean my sink! love that for starting the day!!

I did the zones and it worked, I did that for about 6 months, my house became clean and now I have older kids that don't know it, but are my slaves!! bha hahahaha

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I wish, wish, wish that I had a fancy phone! And to think my dh is a cellular switch engineer and we get the generic, practical phones...not fair, not fair! :D


I wish I had the fancy phone too. I have an ipod touch that I got for Christmas and I've been having a lot of fun with the apps, but I don't have internet everywhere, only where there's free wireless. :p At least I have wireless at home.

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If anyone has considered using the FlyLady system for gaining control of the house, they have a cute, silly video on their new website. They have also done a lot to change things and make the system more streamlined, like eliminating all the annoying email reminders, and have them all delivered once each morning through a digest from Big Tent. They also started a fantastic (free) online calender system with desktop reminders for appointments, grocery lists, zone cleaning schedules, blogging, at cozi.com . Here is the link to the video on sink shining, which really can be the difference between a bad day and a good day. :)



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