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Ok! Tell my why you decided on Writing strands over IEW


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Hopefully, someone will chime in with a response. :001_smile:


Currently, I use BJU grammar and writing. I love it. However, I've always had WS in the back of my mind for just in case. I've always thought that IEW looks wonderful, but I just can't justify the price - right now. Maybe when they are at the high school level?


Honestly, I've heard a lot of good about both programs.


I'm no help at all!:tongue_smilie:

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WS is simple and straightforward. The student opens the book, reads the lesson, and follows the instructions. No fuss, no frills. My older 2 have completed most of WS3 this year and have done well. They've had little writing instruction in the past, and they are able to do this program without much/any help from me.


I purchased an IEW program (it comes in levels A, B, & C, but I don't recall the name), and it made my head spin. I resold it.

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Sometimes the reason TWTM chooses or doesn't choose a curriculum is based on price and simplicity.


I don't know for sure why they don't recommend IEW, but it says right in TWTM that curriclums are chosen for "academic excellence, ease of use, clarity, and affordability." I think that WS fits that better then IEW, even if IEW also has "academic excellence."


But ultimately the authors of TWTM want you to do your own critical thinking ;). If you think IEW is what will work for your family, then don't pick WS because that is what is in TWTM :D

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Personally, I don't think that it is necessary to go to the lengths that IEW does in order to teach children to write well. Really. My head would have exploded if I'd been exposed to that when I was in school. :lol:


WS gets the job done, and it does it well.


I think sometimes hsers forget that "learning to write" is something that should be on-going, and that will take many years. It doesn't have to be--and shouldn't be, IMHO--the big deal that IEW makes it out to be, at each level.

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Personally, I don't think that it is necessary to go to the lengths that IEW does in order to teach children to write well. Really. My head would have exploded if I'd been exposed to that when I was in school. :lol:


WS gets the job done, and it does it well.


I think sometimes hsers forget that "learning to write" is something that should be on-going, and that will take many years. It doesn't have to be--and shouldn't be, IMHO--the big deal that IEW makes it out to be, at each level.

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I have just offered my TWSS IEW for sale because I am going to use WS. I think writing is pretty subjective and I wanted something less straight laced and less intensive. WS seems more gentle and will gradually improve their writing.


I have used IEW with all of my kids. One of my sons, age 9, would write something quite nice but then get marked off for not including all of the dress-ups in each paragraph. My other son, same age, would have all of the dress-ups but content wasn't there. That didn't seem right to me and since they are twin boys and quite competitive this wasn't working out well.


With WS I feel they both have a chance to do well without it becoming super competitive.


Just my thoughts. :D

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Someone advised not using something just because it's recommended in TWTM. I would also advise not to use something just because it's supposed to be "the best". ;)


Curriculum that's considered "cream of the crop" by a certain group of homeschoolers doesn't mean it's the best for YOUR family, kwim? Independent Fundamental KJV-only Baptists might consider Abeka to be the "best". Classical educators might consider Apologia science to be the "best". Unschoolers might consider anything except a textbook to be the "best".


IEW is one of those things that many classical educators tend to go for.... but if WS fits both your budget and your sanity level better, then that's the one that will get done. :001_smile: And it can't be THAT bad if SWB recommends it, right?

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