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s/o of a s/o "normal" names misspelled...

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Being that my name is a variant and our last name is difficult, I purposely gave my kids nice traditional names with normal spellings.


However, my daughter is Melissa and so many people spell it Mellissa or Mellisa. I don't think it is from their being so many variants as I have never seen a variant of Melissa. I think it is simply that so many people can't spell. I was at store yesterday and two people were trying to figure how to spell Baltimore. That one is rather easy in my opinion.

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My husband is Kelly and I am Dawn. We get a lot of Don (him) and Kelly (me).



My cousin Aaron and his wife Dawn get a lot of people calling him Don and her Erin. Aaron and Erin aren't even real homophones where I grew up in New England (former has a short "a" sound in the first syllable while the latter has a short "e").

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I don't think it is from their being so many variants as I have never seen a variant of Melissa.


Growing up, I had a friend Melisa (pronounced with a short "i" in the second syllable) and a friend Malissa (pronounced with a schwa in the first syllable) along with several friends who had the traditional spelling.

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She recently got into an argument with a child on the playground who very heatedly told her that her name was a boy's name.




I've had the same thing happen to me because my name is the same as your Husbands. I'm a Kelly, with the male spelling. My mom said it never dawned on her that it would be spelled any other way.

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Well our girl name, if we ever have one!, is Eva. I would hope that no one could mess up the spelling on that. Although, I bet we get a few Ava's. hmm


Hmm I wonder how cre8tive one could get with Eva? I guess we could do... Eivah? Or Eevay (with the y silent of course)... LOL


As the mother of an Eva (pronounced the Spanish way, so it sounds more like Ava) you will definitely get "Ava" written or it will be said "Ee-vuh". I've seen Ayva. I (obviously) prefer Eva. :) She is named after my Argentine friend. We considered Evangelina (Spanish pronunciation "Eh-VAHN-heh-LEE-nah"), but it just gets butchered when said by Americans ("Ee-VAN-juh-LEE-nuh"). We shortened it to Eva (my friend sometimes uses that, but usually goes by Ina). :)

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I went from one of the top common surnames, to a very rare one. Our last name is Danish, and spelled very simply I think. No one can spell it right even when I spell it for them lol! It is spelled wrong on my Safeway and Costco card even though I wrote it down:lol:. Our family and my in-laws are the only ones in the phone book with that last name.

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I went from one of the top common surnames, to a very rare one. Our last name is Danish, and spelled very simply I think. No one can spell it right even when I spell it for them lol! It is spelled wrong on my Safeway and Costco card even though I wrote it down:lol:. Our family and my in-laws are the only ones in the phone book with that last name.


I told my mil just before my wedding that I was so happy to be getting a last name nobody could mess up! And she replied, "Oh, but your last name is so easy! Who could ever mess that up?" And then I (very nicely) reminded her that when she first met me, she wrote my name down in her Rolodex entirely wrong! :lol:

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