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What is your favorite thing about Christmas?

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I was going to do a poll, but there are so many things that I might not be able to list, and I was just wondering what everyone's favorite thing about Christmas was.


I love Christmas so much! It is my favorite time of year, and I love so many things about it. My favorite thing is the Christmas break, celebrating Jesus' birthday, having friends and family come home for Christmas, and making all of the Christmas cookies. I was in charge of doing the cookies this year and it was awesome, my family loved them!!!


So what is your favorite thing/things about Christmas??:bigear:

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It's a tie between eating and sharing my Christmas cake and Christmas shopping. I'm too pov to give prezzies during the rest of the year, so I have fun shopping for Christmas and do it slowly all through the year. I used to like Christmas cooking. It was kind of like a rite of passage when I was old enough to be expected to take part. This year there isn't enough people coming to justify a spread so we're not making anything special. :( Except the cake :D




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Oh so many.....


- Really taking the time to think about Christ's birth. The birth junkie in me can not wait to talk to Mary and hear her birth story!! Not only that but just what His birth meant for us.


- Making Christmas candy with my kids.


- The gift giving and making people smile.


- The Christmas tree sparkling in the living room in the evenings.


- Getting up on Christmas morning, turning on the tree lights, turning on Christmas music, and watching the kids file into the living room.


- Making a big Christmas dinner for my dh and kids.

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My favorite things are worshiping at the Christmas Eve service, singing Christmas carols, reading Christmas stories (Fourth Wise Man is a favorite), and watching certain Christmas movies (White Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story) , & the Christmas tree dispelling winter gloom.


I hate shopping, too much food, shopping, and traveling (though I like to see family)--and shopping.

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The smell of the tree (we live in a desert and never get those good tree smells otherwise).


The smells of baking and cooking.


Cold weather (relatively speaking; cold for southern California).


The wrapping paper battle I have with dd and our dogs.

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Too many things to choose on favorite.


I love driving around at night and seeing people's lighting displays. I love sitting in the living room in the dark and watching the tree twinkle. I love the excited anticipation of the kids for Christmas morning. I love lounging around the living room on Christmas morning with all the new stuff scattered around, the kids happily playing, the grownups sipping tea and munching on goodies. Then, I love scrapbooking all the pictures later on.

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Love seeing how those who ordinarily reject Christ will do/ be/ see... "GOOD" during this time and give of themselves. Christmas goes where Christ isn't welcome. People atleast STRIVE to be kinder, gentler, generous.


Seeing Yeshua as the Light of the World - Light shining in Darkness


Taking a break from the busyness to just be home.


winter break


Our family projects


Seeing relatives you truly miss spending time with


Going to grandma's


(some of) the music


Events around town


holiday parties with friends

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