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Burnt out and bored with everything


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I don't know what is wrong with me. Normally, I'm excited about school, excited to try new stuff, but I just can't get interested.


And, it's not like we've been really strict about our schedule. We've had lots of down time since Thanksgiving, both because of the holidays, and because we've had lots of appointments lately.


We've had lots of issues with dd and her behavior, due to her anxiety, and just started seeing a new therapist, who we like. It's just been very difficult on everyone. Maybe that's it.


Also, I started taking an anti-depressant again, and am hoping that's not the problem!!


I know I'm babbling, I just needed to vent to someone, and you guys are it.:001_smile:

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I see you live in Wisconsin so it may be just that time of year. I'm seasonal affective and find that taking a giant D3 supplement (like 5000 IUs) daily along with sitting in front of my full spectrum light for 15 minutes in the morning is just what it takes to get me back feeling even again.


Don't be hard on yourself. It's winter. We've all got the blahs in the north.

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I think some of these feelings are completely normal around the holidays as well as during the winter months. It also sounds like you have a lot going on that is beyond your control. At least for me, that is when I struggle the most.... when it seems as though there is nothing I can do to change things.

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Thanks, ladies. I feel better knowing I'm not alone. I get really overwhelmed sometimes, and I think "I am the biggest wimp. I only have 2 kids, we are all healthy, dh has a job, I'm so lucky to be able to hs my dc-what is my problem???" I know I am blessed, and there are so many others who are going through a lot of tough stuff-much tougher than me.

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Right there with you. We have been off school since December 6 and it's only because I could tell I was not liking doing school anymore. I couldn't say we were burned out but I just wasn't happy or feeling like doing much at all. Now, we are just being plain lazy--watching tv, reading, playing playstation and the computer.


I am trying to focus on the "reason" for Christmas and not the hustle or Christmas. Slowing down and taking it easy is going to be my best bet to get ready for January to start.

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I feel you, we've been having some strain on our schedule and basically school all went down the drain.


After looking at it all and seeing where we are and what we have coming up, I decided to call it over and start the school year again. I'm not going to try and squish stuff into what would be the normal school year (finish by June) I'm truly starting over and our year will now end in Nov. 2011.


I hope you find your groove!

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I feel you, we've been having some strain on our schedule and basically school all went down the drain.


After looking at it all and seeing where we are and what we have coming up, I decided to call it over and start the school year again. I'm not going to try and squish stuff into what would be the normal school year (finish by June) I'm truly starting over and our year will now end in Nov. 2011.


I hope you find your groove!


Maybe that's what I should do. I feel like now, I'm trying to fit as many lessons of math & LA in, because we are behind. Maybe we should just read, watch science & nature shows, do crafts, cook and play math games, and forget about "school" until January.

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same here in much of that..



it might take a while for your meds to help a bit. I had to up my dosage this month to deal with the seasonal stuff with lack of sunshine and I'm in the south of the US.


then the upped dosage meant more sleep for me.......


hang in there... you're not alone. and I guess I'm not either.



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We got too busy this fall and let homeschooling slip. While unschooling worked pretty well in some aspects, such as really getting my kids motivated to find their interests, it has not helped in other areas (math, the fact that my dd is still not reading)... and I too feel blah and down about it.


We're also starting over in January, and looking forward to it! I'm trying to simplify a bit, make things easier to manage, and we're cutting back a little on outside the home activities... maybe :tongue_smilie: The kids are getting excited too as they see new materials (mainly activity and coloring books at this point) coming into the house. I'm not sure at this point if we'll just treat January as the start of a new semester or a new school year.

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I'm not sure what we're going to do, curriculum-wise. We love McRuffy Math, so that's a plus. And I thought LLATL was a good fit, but with dd's issues, I don't know. I have OM 2&3, and I'm almost thinking of scrapping everything except McRuffy and trying to combine the OM 2&3. Dd loves art and nature, so that might work. I also have WP Animal Habitats science, and that might fit in with the OM 2. Sigh. I thought I had it all figured out for this year, but apparently not!

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Maybe that's what I should do. I feel like now, I'm trying to fit as many lessons of math & LA in, because we are behind. Maybe we should just read, watch science & nature shows, do crafts, cook and play math games, and forget about "school" until January.



Come join us for a NEW START in January! Who says you have to school from September through June? Who says you have to "catch up?" Instead, pick a new start date in January, and begin a new school year.






And here's another one:




Nope. You are NOT alone. :grouphug:

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Sometimes it would be nice to just be a mom and not have to think about teaching, curriculum, etc.


:iagree:But then I think about...


drop offs

pick ups

start times

end times



other parents



school schedules


school supply lists

lunch money


permission slips




school assemblies


school nurses

bus drivers

school counselors


gym showers



That puts it into perspective again for me.

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Come join us for a NEW START in January! Who says you have to school from September through June? Who says you have to "catch up?" Instead, pick a new start date in January, and begin a new school year.






And here's another one:




Nope. You are NOT alone. :grouphug:




I feel a lot better now! Good thing I kept all of my OM, Waldorf, and CM curriculum and didn't sell it. I guess it does sometimes pay to be a curriculum junkie!

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Guest Cindie2dds


I feel a lot better now! Good thing I kept all of my OM, Waldorf, and CM curriculum and didn't sell it. I guess it does sometimes pay to be a curriculum junkie!


I identify with this! :lol:


Here's to a fresh start. :D

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