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Do you have any particular savings plans for next year?


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In 2011, I just want to save, save, save just for general purposes. Then in 2012, I'd like to save for particular things, like college for the kids, home improvement, etc.


Do you have any particular savings goals for next year that you are gearing up for?

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I want to make sure I am one month ahead (as in the YNAB budgeting system). I was for a few months...I suspect this month I will get behind, so that will be my first goal. Basically I allocate my budget for each month on the 1st of the month (put amounts in different envelopes) with last month's income.


Then I want to get my emergency savings back to $5000 (dh has another lot of emergency savings) as per Dave Ramsey.


Then I want to save for holidays and a Mac Computer....however, its quite possible that the holiday (to see my family) and the computer will happen before the savings happen.


I do love my budgeting system, though, with my savvy-cents wallet and my planning ahead for the month. It has helped me to manage my money much more effectively. Now..I just need to increase my actual income.

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As soon as dh finds employment, we'll start saving for our house deposit :) All our savings got wiped out while the company he previously worked for decided whether or not to fold, but when the government eventually pays those unpaid wages, it'll get returned to the account and we'll cheer up, lol.


As far as my pocket money goes, I'll be saving for a you beaut blender once our "school" supplies have been purchased. After that, I'll probably save for the sake of saving until I can't handle it any more, then I'll go visit MelissaL down at the other end of the state. My feet are getting itchy :) (People who live that far from anywhere don't usually mind visitors inviting themselves :tongue_smilie: And if she does, she could just head into the wilderness and I wouldn't be able to find her.) Then I think I'll save for a compost turner bizzo because I have such poor worm farming skills. I want to get a system going where I can recycle our scraps into dirt to raise sunflower lettuce in, instead of having to keep buying potting mix and never having any left when I want it. That really mucks up the system!




Edited by Rosie_0801
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As far as my pocket money goes, I'll be saving for a you beaut blender once our "school" supplies have been purchased............... Then I think I'll save for a compost turner bizzo because I have such poor worm farming skills. I want to get a system going where I can recycle our scraps into dirt to raise sunflower lettuce in, instead of having to keep buying potting mix and never having any left when I want it. That really mucks up the system!





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Hey Rosie I wonder if those compost tumblers are a bit of a gimmick. I wanted one for years but have perfectly good compost in a black bin. (I am a worm killer too).

What sort of blender you going for?

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Thanks, Peela and Rosie. I've just been thinking that if I have specific goals in mind, I'll be more focused on saving, and less tempted to just think of going on vacation or something like that.


Glad to know I'm not the only one planning for next year already . . . though it probably isn't quite in the holiday spirit, lol!

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I plan on putting all extra expenses in writing, like curriculum, dance, art, whatever, and then budget and put the money aside out of DH's bonus. That way I have to be more careful in what I buy and less impulsive. I have a certain food/household budget that I stick to and I need to be a bit more flexible in stockpiling. Right now the cupboards are bare and I am carefully planning a large stockpiling trip to fix that. Less eating out for sure as well.

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Hey Rosie I wonder if those compost tumblers are a bit of a gimmick. I wanted one for years but have perfectly good compost in a black bin. (I am a worm killer too).

What sort of blender you going for?


I have one that I inherited when I bought my house. It is a gimmick. Can never get the darn thing to work!! My compost heap works much better and i never do anything to it, but ignore it...


Faithe (who wishes she was in sunny Australia rather than Gray, freezing Woodstock.)

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My goal is to get a real handle on our spending. We are not spendthrift, but money seems to slip through our hands without us realizing it. I plan to continue to build our savings, put some money in an IRA....and try to cut back on eating out. I also am going to save for next years x-mas and vacation so we can actually have one.


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Well, for the first half of the year I'll be saving for a trip. I'm hoping to do a study abroad trip to Brazil over the summer to start learning Portuguese and get some in-country experience in the country I'd like to study in graduate school. It is almost 7,000 dollars though, but I'm hoping to get some scholarships...


For the second half of the year I'll be saving for.... Christmas. :tongue_smilie:


2012 I'll start saving up for a big move we'll be making in the summer of 2013. Not sure where we are going yet, but chances are it'll be far away and to a place with higher living expenses than where we are now.

One of these days I'll actually get together a savings account...

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Hey Rosie I wonder if those compost tumblers are a bit of a gimmick. I wanted one for years but have perfectly good compost in a black bin. (I am a worm killer too).

What sort of blender you going for?


Have you tried one? My friend swears by them. I'm no good at the black bins either. I'm compost impaired! :001_huh:


What kind of blender? Don't you remember me pm-ing you months back to ask what the most expensive one was? :lol: I'm pretty sure you said I should get a vitamix. ;)


I have one that I inherited when I bought my house. It is a gimmick. Can never get the darn thing to work!! My compost heap works much better and i never do anything to it, but ignore it...


Faithe (who wishes she was in sunny Australia rather than Gray, freezing Woodstock.)


Oh no! Don't tell me this! I need opinions to agree! And don't you believe about sunny v grey and freezing either. It's grey and cold here today. Grr.





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We are on a 3 yr plan w/ savings- next yr will be year 2-

We are saving for:

1) Out-of pocket max for health insurance

2) "New" vehicle for when the van dies(it is 10yrs old)- hoping that we outgrow it before it craps out- plan is about 5 yrs from now- Dh's truck is 16 yrs old as well- so we will be saving to replace it as well after we save for this one

3) 1 yr living expenses- currently at 4 months or so I believe

4)Starting a Roth 401 acct- not sure how much yet- need to crunch the numbers- this is the first year it is being offered

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We had been planning to save for a house, but I just committed to an educational path that will eat up most of our 'extra' (ha ha) income.


It's going to be a tight couple of years, but in the end we'll have almost doubled our earning power, so it's worth it.


I do still hope to manage to scrape together some extra general savings for emergencies. That would really lift some of my anxiety.

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