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Baby Gender Dreams

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I am almost 14 weeks pregnant and last night was the second dream that I've had about this baby being a girl. The first dream I had, the baby had been born and was a few weeks old. This last dream I had, the ob-gyn was doing an ultra-sound and saw the lines (but instead of three, there was four).


The funny thing is, is that almost since the beginning I've felt that the baby is a boy. It's just weird to have two conflicting things in my head lol. Of course, it's going to be ONE of the two, these dreams are just leaving me anxious to find out the gender darn it!!

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Before my first pregnancy, any time I dreamed of having a baby it was ALWAYS a girl. Then during my pregnancy with #1, suddenly every single dream I had about the baby was about a boy. Because of that I was certain the baby would be a boy-- and he was!


I didn't have a clue with DD. No dreams about the baby either way with that one!

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With my last dd, dh had a dream about his two daughters and informed me early in the pregnancy that I was having a girl. He was absolutely sure. He was right.


Before that when dd8 was just born as we were walking out of the hospital, he told the maternity nurses, "See you in 2 years." I thought he was nuts. We hadn't planned when we were going to have another, or even *if*. We had had trouble conceiving and I was just feeling so blessed that we had one healthy living child. Sure enough though, dd6 was born exactly 3 weeks shy of dd8's 2nd bday.


Sometimes those dreams are right :)

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I'm 29 weeks pregnant now. I had a dream he was a boy, and everyone who sees me, including experienced parents of many, swear it looks like I'm carrying a boy. However, when we went to check our ultrasound, it looked (clearly, and legs were spread apart) like a girl. The ultrasound technician sounded very certain too. I see the "hamburger" too :D


So you never know.. Let us know when you find out! Reference back to this thread for fun, please :)

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Pee in a glass jar. Let someone else pour in Drain-o crystals outside (it will put off fumes). If the pee turns brown or red it is a girl. If it turns blue or green its a boy.


Put your mind at ease! :lol: (I personally know of five people who have done this recently and it has worked every time!)


I just looked this up, and the websites I read all said the opposite. :lol: Or they said that brown was boy and NO color change was girl.

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I knew the first time I was pregnant it was a girl despite 99% of my family and strangers telling me it was a boy. Only my father agreed with me it was a girl. I was right of course.


From the moment I found out I was pregnant with #2 I knew it was a boy. I was 1000% sure. I was so positive I started knitting a blue baby blanket, picked out a little boy outfit to wear home from the hospital and only picked out a boys name. I was correct again :001_smile:

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Hmmmm...like the pp said, 50/50 chance ;). Since I'm getting conflicting messages from my dreams and my intuision, I will be *very* interested to see which is right.


Before I ever got pregnant with my first son, I had a dream that I had a son that was about 6-7 yrs old and he had blonde hair and blue eyes (which was odd, because BOTH my ex-h and I have brown/brown both). No more than 6 months later I found out we were expecting...nine months after that, we had a son. As he grew, we were shocked to realize his blonde hair/blue eyes stayed. That was genetics however, as BOTH of our father's were blonde/blue, but brown is dominate lol.


Anyhow, when we find out the gender, I will post and reference this thread. As I said, I'm VERY interested. I go to see my ob-gyn a week from Monday and I will be 15 weeks then. He has access to a ultra-sound machine in the room just down the hall. I'm going to see if I can beg him to just *try* to see the gender...just *try* lol.

Edited by mama2cntrykids
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