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Like water off a duck's back...

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That's my mantra for the week.


BIL is arriving today and we are heading to MIL's house for Thanksgiving today. She wanted to have Thanksgiving today, even though he doesn't leave till Friday. :confused: We'll be going to her house to eat pot roast on Thursday. :confused:


I was told to make dressing and pies for today.


I just called her to let her know BIL's flight is delayed.


She made dressing.


Like water off a duck's back...

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I was told to make dressing and pies for today.


I just called her to let her know BIL's flight is delayed.


She made dressing.

My MIL is forgetful like that--we talk about who brings what, and then she forgets (scatterbrained is the way I'd describe her, actually). So she duplicates our effort, or assigns it to someone else.

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THe more I hear about MILs that are like my own, the more I fear that it's not just a random occurence that some people end up like that. What if it happens to most of us, maybe even the best of us, once we hit a certain age or stage? You know, sort of like bad velour jumpsuits, hair helmet 'dos, and calling everyone Sugah or Darlin'. ::shudder::


I'm afraid. For Future Me, for my kids. For anyone who marries my kids. But that's a ways off yet, so for right now I'll concentrate my efforts on being afraid for you. Since you already done married one of those kids ;)


Honestly, though, I consider holidays with the inlaws are like going through labor all over again. One painful contraction after another that I'm grunting and gritting my teeth through, except at the end I don't get my sweet, beautiful baby. I get sweet, beautiful reassurance that I don't have to do that again for another year. It's mostly worth it. That and the pumpkin pie.


Hope the week passes quickly enough that the irritations fly by, but slowly enough that you enjoy your days off. Just be careful not to bite your tongue too hard lest you draw blood. BTDT and trust me, it's so much harder to enjoy that pumpkin pie!

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THe more I hear about MILs that are like my own, the more I fear that it's not just a random occurence that some people end up like that. What if it happens to most of us, maybe even the best of us, once we hit a certain age or stage? You know, sort of like bad velour jumpsuits, hair helmet 'dos, and calling everyone Sugah or Darlin'. ::shudder::


I'm afraid. For Future Me, for my kids. For anyone who marries my kids.


I used to think this. Truly. For 30 years I thought, how on earth am I going to remain NORMAL in my middle/ older age. Do I HAVE to be horrible, controling and rediculous like my MIL and my own mother??? But here I am, age 47, (MIL and mom were already unbearable by this age), and I AM normal, kind, loving, reasonable, adaptable and NOT controling! My own adult children adore me and we all get along great! I am nothing like either one of them and I don't see it coming. So, take heart, it is possible. I try very hard to present Christ within me to all I know in all circumstances. As long as I'm focusing on that, being more like Him, I think I'll be alright! It's worked so far!


(My SIL, however, is my exact age and she is just a looney as her mother and I know for a fact her DIL and she hate each other. So sad.)

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BIL is arriving today and we are heading to MIL's house for Thanksgiving today. She wanted to have Thanksgiving today, even though he doesn't leave till Friday. :confused: We'll be going to her house to eat pot roast on Thursday. :confused:



My MIL would do/ has done something exactly like this. We just say no. We don't play her games anymore. We are always kind about it. At first she was shocked and angry, but after she realized we were serious and just would not participate if she was being difficult, she started to accept it. We just won't do rediculous things so that MIL can feel like she's in charge.


:grouphug: Sorry she's making things so difficult. You have a good attitude!

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Quack. I'm in, too.


Last Monday my MIL told dh that we NEVER have celebrated Thanksgiving at her sister's house and would not start this year. She wanted to come out to my house. Okay, fine. (Picture me wondering why I remember teaching dd and her little cousins how to make turkey cookies by gluing candy corn onto cookies with fudge frosting last year...) But I privately told dh that I bet by Tuesday of this week we would be planning for the meal at Auntie S's house.


Yesterday, MIL called and said she had talked to Sister S and they want us to come for the meal there at 4:00. Hmmmm. Quack.


However, like the good little duckie I am, I have all the ingredients to make a Thanksgiving dinner stowed away, just in case I find out Wednesday pm that we are on again.


And in the other corner of the ring, find DM. She refuses to participate in holidays. She won't go to Aunt S's home in spite of liking the woman and repeated invites. She grudgingly said she "might" come down the hill and have a nice Thanksgiving brunch at my house, but would probably need me to "fix her a plate and bring it up instead". Quack.

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OH, sniff. Y'all are the best.


Normally we'd say, "Come on... we want turkey on Thanksgiving." But BIL (adored uncle of my children) is in town which is a rare occurence. So we are going along with her plans.


My pies and dressing were great. :001_smile: I got to leave and take DD to play rehearsal, so that was a bonus. Tomorrow I get to sleep in and we will go to her house for leftovers for lunch, so I get a day off of cooking. Then when it starts to get a little too much, I'll have to leave to take DD to rehearsal again.


See all that water just puddling up around my feet? I'm not even wet.



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OH, sniff. Y'all are the best.


Normally we'd say, "Come on... we want turkey on Thanksgiving." But BIL (adored uncle of my children) is in town which is a rare occurence. So we are going along with her plans.


My pies and dressing were great. :001_smile: I got to leave and take DD to play rehearsal, so that was a bonus. Tomorrow I get to sleep in and we will go to her house for leftovers for lunch, so I get a day off of cooking. Then when it starts to get a little too much, I'll have to leave to take DD to rehearsal again.


See all that water just puddling up around my feet? I'm not even wet.



I think it sounds like you're great at putting the "fun" in dysfunctional! :D I was gearing up to do the same, but we're all sick and staying home....

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