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I know the tags go at the bottom but what would we need to tag if all our posts on this board are logic stage posts?


I've been trying to tag things like algebra, middle school science, German, outlining and other subject identifiers that will make specific threads easier to find in 6 months.


I don't think labeling something just logic or middle school helps if it's on the logic board. But a "middle school reading" tag might help to link up posts that are here with posts in other parts of the board.

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Okay, now for a really dumb question: what are tags for (I think I know, but am not sure) and how do we use them?

Sorry for being so ignorant. I feel like I've been under a rock or in a cave somewhere. I'm truly out of touch. :confused:


We have the ability to "tag" posts with key words that act like subject headings. On a blog they might be listed as "labels".


It just gives a short cut to help find related posts. The author of a new thread can give five tags. Other posters can give two. So you might have a thread about your middle school student and trying to decide between levels of Saxon math for algebra. "Tagging" the thread with tags like "Saxon math", "Saxon placement", "pre-algebra", "math sequence" or "logic stage math" might help others find the thread.


If you're reading a thread, say about Saxon math, that has tags, then you can click on the tag and other threads with that same tag will come up. It can help you locate older threads on the same subject.


The search function IMHO tends to get overwhelmed with results from the sale board and relies on specific words for the results. I've had trouble wading through it in the past, even when I know a certain thread is out there.


I also thought that tagging threads more would help to link discussions across the different boards that are on similar topics. So you might find different threads about algebra on the curriculum, logic, general or high school boards.


Of course it's no crime not to use tags. It just seemed like a tool that we haven't been using much and that might be helpful.

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  • 6 months later...
I'd like to suggest reviving the use of tags on posts. I think that since the forum is likely to grow by leaps and bounds before we know it (sort of like our kids did), it will help us be able to keep track of useful threads.




I just wanted to suggest that when you start a thread or are reading a thread with good info on a certain topic, you add a tag or two to the thread.


Yesterday I was able to go through a bunch of old threads on the high school board with relative ease because they'd been tagged with algebra or Dolciani. Many of the posts were from members who have long since left the boards, but the information in them was golden.


Tags can really simplify searching and help to bind together good wisdom that is otherwise easy to lose.


To add a tag, go down below the last post on a page and click on edit tags. As you start typing a subject heading, suggestions will appear. You can pick something that fits or keep writing to make a unique new tag.


I usually try to give a general label and a specific one. For example, algebra and Saxon algebra 1/2 or WSS and Logic Stage Writing or foreign languages and German.

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I have a stupid question :D. Do you search for tagged threads different than a normal search. I could probably find the answer but maybe someone else is curious! ;)


Okay, I found the answer to my question. Yes, they searches are different. Advanced Search-Tag Search= WOW! :D I will now be a tagging fool!!!!

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