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Anyone with anti-homeschooling relatives?

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Neither sets of grandparents are supportive of our homeschooling and I was wondering if others have family members that are anti-homeschooling and how you deal with it to keep the peace. I recently sent my Mom an article from a local paper about the problems in our local school district and I think that helped a bit. My Mother in law was a public school teacher, and two sisters-in law are currently public school teachers, so I basically avoid the subject completely.

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You may find it hard to find any homeschooler without at least some relative who is anti-homeschooling, or at the very least suspicious of it.


I wouldn't put much energy into bringing anybody on board to your decision. Work hard to raise intelligent, well-rounded children and let them "speak" for you.


I'm not a big fan of changing the subject when directly challenged. I would have a short list of fact based reasons why homeschooling is the right decision for your family. Have a few non-threatening statistics ready if necessary. I think homeschoolers should be able to articulate the reasons they are homeschooling, but don't expect to win anybody over.



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My parents are skeptical, but in general supportive. I asked for WTM for Christmas two years ago when we were starting to think about it. My Dad looked through it and said "Well, if this is what you're going to do...that should be ok." :)

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I wouldn't put much energy into bringing anybody on board to your decision. Work hard to raise intelligent, well-rounded children and let them "speak" for you.



:iagree: Very well said. I spent a lot of energy and frustration during our first years trying to win over skeptical grandparents. All that did was aggravate the situation and strain relationships. In the end, they saw the results and were satisfied, but it was because of the kids, not because of any argument I made.

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Early on in our homeschooling journey I heard that most relatives are won over by the products of homeschooling -- the kids.


Well -- we waited and waited. My kids are great, but after 14 years of hs'ing my relatives are still not won over. When our awesome kids and their neat achievements didn't help, we thought maybe college acceptances and great SAT scores would help -- nope!


Eventually we just shrugged our shoulders and gave up on winning over the relatives. Some people just don't like the idea of homeschooling, period.


All we can do is do what God has called us to do.

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We've had a few. Usually they see the light eventually. I nearly fell over the other day when talking to my skeptical mom on the phone. Just a while back she was saying it was very important to force my dd to go to PS high school next year. I said she had no interest and didn't want to deal with the cr*p that goes on in PS. She thought I was being ridiculous.


Fast forward to last week as I described some of the peer influence and negative things my ninth grade PS son has been ruining his life with lately, My mom said...."He'd almost be better off coming home to homeschool again than do all that nonsense!"


I COULDN'T AGREE WITH HER MORE. If he'd give up his need for novelty and "socializaiton" he could come home, do work in his own way, get a part time job, explore his own interests, consider community college.....bu right now he is miserable and making bad grades and flirting with trouble with the wrong crowd....and he doesn't really have all that much fun doing so!

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Early on in our homeschooling journey I heard that most relatives are won over by the products of homeschooling -- the kids.


Well -- we waited and waited. My kids are great, but after 14 years of hs'ing my relatives are still not won over. When our awesome kids and their neat achievements didn't help, we thought maybe college acceptances and great SAT scores would help -- nope!


Eventually we just shrugged our shoulders and gave up on winning over the relatives. Some people just don't like the idea of homeschooling, period.


All we can do is do what God has called us to do.

:confused: That makes no sense at all Gwen! Agreeing with your last sentence though :)

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My sister's husband (they homeschooled their children for the early years then put them in public school) was the worst saying most homeschoolers were wacky. This was after he heard we had decided to homeschool our children. My other sister constantly makes strange remarks like telling me a girl is "homeschool pretty". What that means I have no idea????:confused: She never homeschooled her children they were in the public school system.


But I agree, you can't try and win anyone over... you need to do what you feel you are called do. :001_smile:

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I think there are multiple things you can do.


First, I would let them bring it up.


Answer exactly what they ask. Maybe even practice your answers, make sure you have evidence to support what you say.


Secondly, make sure that the children set a good example, but home schooled children inevitably impress people anyways. :)


After that bridge is crossed, mention what you are doing causually from time to time. "Sorry we missed your call, we were out planting a garden for a unit study on gardening, the girls sure are excited to show it to you. Any how, how is Auntie Helen?"

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I have only gotten one comment from my family that wasn't supportive, and that was 16 years ago when I first told my dad we were going to hs. He now denies he ever said any such thing!


My family knows that I have the diplomatic skills of a snapping turtle. If they have differing opinions about how we're schooling the kids, they keep it to themselves.


I never could make good bean dip.

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