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FLL3 or MCT?


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I am looking into curriculum for next year for our then 3rd grader. She will have finished FLL1 and 2. Should I continue with FLL3 or MCT? What would be the difference? Pros and cons? Is MCT going to be too hard for a 3rd grader; I don't find that she is "gifted?"


Any thoughts on this are appreciated! :001_huh:

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I have never used FLL--I didn't like the approach--but I am sure that Island level of MCT shouldn't be too difficult, even if your dc is not gifted. It's more that the approach is more excited about learning the material than that it's any harder per se. I love MCT, and my now-4th grader began mid-year with Island last year without difficulty. He is really enjoying the next level too. :)

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I am looking into curriculum for next year for our then 3rd grader. She will have finished FLL1 and 2. Should I continue with FLL3 or MCT? What would be the difference? Pros and cons?


I use FLL 1/2 but do not continue on with FLL 3. I find it's too repetitive of the first book and there's not enough new material covered. I do like that it teaches sentence diagramming (MCT does not) but that's easy to teach separately (I use the Mark Twain Media workbook).


I haven't actually used the "island" level of MCT yet (my oldest did a variety of things in between FLL 1/2 and MCT's "town" level) but I plan to start it with my DS once he finishes FLL 1/2.

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I am looking into curriculum for next year for our then 3rd grader. She will have finished FLL1 and 2. Should I continue with FLL3 or MCT? What would be the difference? Pros and cons? Is MCT going to be too hard for a 3rd grader; I don't find that she is "gifted?"


Any thoughts on this are appreciated! :001_huh:


FLL and MCT are like apples and oranges... or maybe not even THAT similar.


I have noticed that many people combine WWE & MCT, but not FLL. If they were using it, they usually drop one.


I am a big MCT fan, so please, keep that in mind. If FLL is working, and you like it, stick with it.


As you would be using MCT 1:1 the gifted level is irrelevant.


There are a lot of pros and cons to both, but heck... I think you would have a different list from every single person! One big thing is that MCT is not independent. It is very parent/child centered. However, there is zero prep time and the time you spend is good time. Stick a bookmark in it.

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What has your experience been so far with FLL? I'm a big MCT fan, but I also think, generally speaking, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. My son did 3 levels of FLL and started the 4th, and I found that he really wasn't retaining it well at all. I think for him it was too easy to sort of game the system and figure out the right answers without really understanding why. We've had a much better experience with MCT, but that's just us.

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On average, how long would it take, and do you do it every day, 5 days a week? Thanks!


For the Island level, if you're doing all the components, I think it can easily be done in 20-30 minutes, 5 days a week on average, not counting some independent time for the child to work on some of the writing assignments (some of them are very quick; some will take some time).

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What has your experience been so far with FLL? I'm a big MCT fan, but I also think, generally speaking, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. My son did 3 levels of FLL and started the 4th, and I found that he really wasn't retaining it well at all. I think for him it was too easy to sort of game the system and figure out the right answers without really understanding why. We've had a much better experience with MCT, but that's just us.


I will have to think about this. They can recite the definitions easily, but I'm not sure if they understand it all yet. I was hoping all the repetition would cement it. She can answer if I prompt her, i.e., why do we capitalize this word? What kind of noun is it? My 2nd grader can answer because it's proper. I mostly prompt a lot. I wasn't sure how much she was supposed to retain at this point, as as of right now FLL2 is throwing a lot of stuff at her that I can't even remember :glare:, linking verbs, etc. Does this even make sense? :001_huh:

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We slogged through FLL 1 and did 2 in half a year last year, so I decided to switch and try KISS grammar this year. Not so good, I found that I missed the systematic approach that FLL gives. I just got FLL3 recently and I'm so glad that I did. My plan is to stick with it through FLL4, it may not be the most interesting, but it is very thorough and I don't have to worry about grammar anymore. I've never tried MCT as I refuse to look at another grammar program :).

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if you're open to looking at things that segue easily from FLL1/2 and *if* you're child does well with structure, i'd recommend Shurley 2 as something to look into. it's been a good fit for us and we're using in conjunction with WWE2 (we did WWE1 whilst doing FLL1/2).

i just purchased a used copy of the FLL3 instructor guide to decide whether we'll go from Shurley 2 to that or to level 4 (or maybe to CW ??) i've thought a lot about MCT but after reading a thread a few days ago about the cons of it, i've decided the cons far outweigh the pros for my child. that was a hard decision to make cause i love reading all the MCT love i see here on the boards.


:) good luck!! :)

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We used FLL 1 & 2 and then I debated whether to continue on in FLL3. I owned MCT Island already and loved the approach, but couldn't quite decide to make the switch. I seriously considered doing both. But we already have a very full slate and I'm already doubling up on some other subjects.


My hang up was on diagramming- I want my son to learn it and FLL3 introduces it while MCT doesn't. I finally decided that I can introduce traditional diagramming later, if I still think it necessary.


We've been using MCT Island for a couple of months now, and I really love it. And even more importantly, my mathy, science-lover now LOVES grammar too. He tolerated FLL, but he is soaking in the MCT. It's been a great fit for us.


I'm not dissing FLL- I still intend to use FLL 1/2 with my younger children, but switching to MCT in 3rd has been nothing but positive for us.

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Sorry if I am repeating anything others have said (too short on time to read all the posts!) . . . I used FLL 1 & 2 with my oldest (gifted ds in 3rd) and it was fine, but we wanted "more" so tried SL LA (too eclectic for this type-A Mama!) then a stint with Phonics Road (he was too far beyond starting at the beginning as recommended), so then we "discovered" MCT and there has been no turning back! Even though it was written with gifted children in mind, I think you could use it with a non-gifted student if you are willing to make adjustments. For example, there is little to no repetition (gifted kids usually "get it" right off the bat, thus traditional curricula bores them to tears with all the repetition), so you might need to go over things a few times, make up some games or review some sentences, but it is doable. Just make sure you love the curriculum because if you're going to take on that much "work" you REALLY need to LOVE it or it will be a flop. : ) My second son (1st grade and bright, but not gifted) sits in with us when we do MCT (Island level)and catches on to a ton of it, if that helps you at all. I wouldn't recommend using it with a student that young, but hey, if he's in the room with us, you never know what he might "catch!" Hope that helps.

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