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Jr College?


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Has anyone started their child in Jr. College before they graduate?


Here in Calif they can dual-enroll starting in 9th grade. My dd who will turn 16 next month and is in 10th grade is most likely going to start taking one or two classes this Spring. She needs to get out of the house!!!!


I am thinking of having her take the math/english placement tests next Fall and having her go almost full time and calling it quits with homeschooling.

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At our community college (the name Jr colleges now go by) kids can't start until they are juniors, then have to test into college level (not remedial) classes for all subjects. This isn't difficult. ;) My oldest just took one class as a senior. My middle started this year as a junior - taking two classes. My youngest will probably start as a junior too.


The really bad thing for us is we have to pay full price. We're paying $1500 for two courses that might not even count for credit at the colleges my guy prefers. Actually, I know they don't count at one place, might count at a couple of others, and will count at the fourth (a state school). All that said, he's enjoying his classes and has had his professors offer to write letters of recommendation for him (very important), so it's been worth it.

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Our community college requires that students finish 10th grade before starting there. They can take up to 2 classes each semester (including summer semester) at no charge. After they have completed 12 credits and have a minimum 3.5 gpa and have minimum placement test scores, they can request permission to take additional classes (although you have to pay for the additional classes). My 17yo is doing almost everything at the cc this year.

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I'm in CA and all my dc did this. My dd graduated from high school at the end of 11th grade because she had 3 semesters of college completed and we saw no reason to keep her in high school any longer. She went to the cc full time during 11th grade. It was a great option for my dc, and they are all glad they did it.


The only way it will really work, though, is if your dd wants to go to the cc almost full time or full time. If she is not ready or motivated, then it could hurt more than help her because her grades will follow her until she graduates from college.


One thing to consider is how you want to enroll your dd. You can do concurrent enrollment and not pay any tuition costs. It will cost about $20 in fees, and you need to buy books. It is a very affordable option, and she can take up to 11 credits per semester (if other schools are like the ones near us), but at many community colleges, the concurrent enrollment students register for classes last or nearly last. Here, they can't get into any classes because so many students are registering for fewer and fewer classes offered because of budget cuts. So you need to know that your dd may only get classes if she tries to add them when school starts, or may not get any. The students doing concurrent enrollment around here are not getting into classes, or only getting into one if a teacher decides to add them.


The other option is to have your dd take the CHSPE test. Once she passes it she can enroll at the cc as a regular student using the 'high school equivalency' option. She would not be doing concurrent enrollment in this case. The cc just knows that she has an equivalency and has enrolled as a student. They don't need to know she is still in high school, earning her high school diploma. If you do this, you don't tell the school that your dd is still in high school. That doesn't fit into their box. You do need to pay tuition if you choose this option. The advantage is that your dd would be a regular student and would get a regular registration date and is more likely to get into classes she wants. Plus she can take any classes without needing them to be preapproved by the high school administrator (probably you, or your PSP administrator if you are in a PSP) and you won't have to apply every semester, as you need to do with concurrent enrollment. Then apply her cc courses to her high school transcript and she will earn her high school diploma.


In any case, your dd should take the placement tests this spring if you want her to take math and English classes next fall. This way she has it done and will be able to register this spring for next fall's courses. Just watch for the registration dates and be sure placement tests are completed prior to those dates.

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Thanks for the advice.


She is hopefully going to take 2 classes this Spring. My dh wants her to wait to take the placement tests for next Fall. His reasoning is he wants her to get a "feel" for Jr. College and not get scared off. She is just turning 16 next month and has been pretty isolated. She is VERY excited to go though which is a plus. She wants to take a spinning class, (PE) and an animal science class, niether requires the placement tests.


So the PE class is required anyway to transfer so that is good. I believe we will do the dual enrollment till she is 18 and that will be the last sem. of her senior year, at that point I can graduate her "officially" and she'll had taken 2 classes per sem. and she can then go full time.

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We are here in CA as well. Have you found out the registration dates for the Spring semester? At our local community college registration started at the beginning of November. My ds is a junior as we decided not to even try the cc route this year since he would be considered a "special admit" student - very last to be able to register. Due to budget cuts and lots of additional students, classes are very hard to get. We may try something over the summer or next fall. Good luck getting in!



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