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Tourettes or other tic disorders?


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I believe that I have undiagnosed Tourette's. It is a mild form...mostly facial tics like rolling eyes, scrunching nose, etc. I can "hide" it when around most people....or I've found ways to tic where no one really notices. Sadly, I think that DD6 has it too....so far it's a mild form (and I pray that it stays that way). Right now she's going through a vocal tic where she makes a clicking sound with her tongue and then pushes air out of her mouth, making the "ssss" sound. Even though I probably have Tourette's myself, it's driving me nuts LOL. I feel bad that I "gave" her this issue. Tics are very annoying.


Anyone else have a child with Tourettes or another tic disorder?

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Yes. My 10yo ds does.


I also have an undiagnosed tic disorder, much like what you described about yourself. Mine gets a lot worse during stress. Sometimes it isn't very noticeable but a lot of times, it is.


My ds's tics have been transient so far. Vocal tics, head rolling/neck scrunching, eye rolling mainly. He hasn't had a tic episode for a few months, though I notice when he's stressed he has some tic behavior.

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It's good to know there are others "like us" out there. Well, I don't wish tics on anyone, but you know what I mean. :001_smile: I really don't know of any other adults with tics. I know that most tic disorders disappear by adulthood, but mine never did.


What do you mean by your ds's tics are transient? They come and go?

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My twin brother and my mother also have tics. We've all had tics all our lives. I think mine started around age 9 or 10?? That's at least when I remember being teased for them.


Yes, I meant ds's tics come and go, and change. Typically the same 3 or 4 tics, but in "cycles".


My MIL has a vocal tic, though she'd never admit it. ;) She clears her throat in short "grunts" constantly.

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Ds has tics, and so does my mom. Ds started out with mild transient tics, like yawning when nervous. His main tic now is like a throat clearing sound, and it can drive a person nuts, including himself, when it's really bad. Also, every once in a while he makes a screeching sound if he gets way over excited. He takes medications that help control his tics, but that's a side benefit, not the real reason he's taking them. I will increase the dose if the tics start to bother him too much, but not if they bother me. :001_smile: I think that his tics would be very severe without the medicine, but I don't really want to find out, kwim? I think it would upset him. He goes through long periods without tics, and then smaller ones where he will tic like crazy, but generally in the fall it gets worse. He also starts wiping his mouth with his sleeve around this time of year, which causes his lips to get really chapped and cracked, with occasional bleeding. We're not sure why he tics more in the fall. Dh thinks it is anticipation for the holidays, but who knows. My mother has had tics since she was nine, mostly vocal when she was young, but she started shaking her head after she had kids. We joke that we made her so nervous that we caused this tic. (probably true:001_smile:) She recently developed a tic that makes her mouth pull to the side. She is very embarrased about this one, but I don't think it is very noticable. She also clears her throat and coughs. As far as I know, they are the only 2 with tics, but it wouldn't surprise me if more showed up in the future.

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My ds I believe has tourettes. We can not afford testing as dh is looking for work and we have no insurance. I have researched extensively and he fits tourettes (as opposed to the dozens of other tic disorders I have read about) but there are also other issues going on with him... sigh. We had an app to get an eval but now can not afford it :confused:


His tics:

he pumps his arm alot

when he is pumping his arm his eyes blink fast


He does this thing with his nose where he scrunches it up and makes a weird noise through it


he says the cks sound and the s sound extremely exxagerated when saying a word with it or sometimes will just make the sounds 4-6 times in a row.


I am positive he is ADHD. I believe there are some other learning issues going on. He has this weird obsession with smelling things... EVERYTHING. All the time. Nothing can be in his hands that he does not smell. He licks things :confused: <sigh> I don't know what is going on but if anybody has any ideas on what could be going on I am open. (sorry not trying to hijack the thread) We had to cancel our app until dh gets working again <sigh>


He can not sit still. He will learn something down cold then next time we do it he acts like he has never seen it before. He is 6 and barely able to sound out CVC words. Can not write for the life of him. It just doesnt work.


So ya... you are not alone-- although just a tic disorder is not huge :D

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Wrangler, mouthing things can be sensory. Have you tried getting him figit tools, an exercise ball to sit on, putting weights on him when he needs to sit, etc.? ZVibe has a vibrating pencil/pen kit that has a chewie on one end for the mouthing, vibration (for stim and to help their hands not hurt), and interchangeable tips. He might be able to focus better after vestibular input (swinging on a single line with weights, trampoline, Krazy Kar, etc.).


Diet for us doesn't affect sensory, but it did DIRECTLY change, and quickly, our friends' ds' tourette tics.

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I am positive he is ADHD. I believe there are some other learning issues going on.


I hopped onto this board from the College Board, and I couldn't help but comment on this disorder. My 20yos was recently diagnosed with ADHD and in the process of doing lots of research I learned that over 80% of people with Tourette's have ADHD. In fact, over 3/4 of ADHD people have other "issues" - anxiety, depression, OCD, bipolar, etc., etc. Just thought I'd pass on this interesting piece of information.



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My husband and both of my daughters have TS. My husband thinks he doesn't have it anymore.. :001_smile:.


During my last period, I had an awesome cry in front of the kids. They were pretty much laughing at me saying, "We're fine, it's okay". We had a conversation about how other people treat them in regards to TS and their obvious tics. I showed them a bit of the HBO movie I have Tourettes...

They weren't the least bit interested!

I felt much better after my big baby cry a thon though... :tongue_smilie:


I hate not being able to help them (beyond the things we do to ease it a bit).


My youngest shows signs of OCD too.


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