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Dancer moms - hair up-do's

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Thought I'd post this especially for mom's of dancers. I found this great 'bobby pin' for holding my hair in a twist/bun type thing. It works all day, is easy to use, doesn't give me a headache. I showed it to my friend who used to be a dancer and she said how she would have loved it back in her dancing day. So much better than all the individual bobby pins.


It's from Goody. It's two different 'pins'. Each one is twisted into a spiral. You twist your ponytail into twist/bun, start spinning one pin into the front and the other into the back. You don't even interlock them. They catch both the twisted hair as well as the hair under the twist that is locking it all in place. They are literally two big spiral bobby pins. I've done loose/sloppy/quickie ones then gone on the treadmill, and they still hold as well as the carefully tucked/tighter twists.


I saw one ad for this and spent the last two months looking for them. I finally found one at the BX. When I find more I'm getting extras for me (dropped one and had to fish it out from behind the toilet!LOL!) and some for my friend. I haven't seen any other ads and I've looked in grocery stores, CVS's and beauty supply.


With Nutcracker season coming, and dancers needing to have there pulled up, I thought I'd mention it in case you hadn't seen it. If I hadn't seen that one ad (and seen none since) I wouldn't have a clue what it did or how well it did it.

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I'll look.

We have a Hairgami, which I love. It's basically two snap bracelets together, covered with fuzzy fabric. I put DD's hair in a ponytail, put the bracelets, stretched out straight, on the end of her tail, then just roll it up. Snap the bracelets into a circle, and put an elastic around to hold the little whispies in, and she's set. She spent most of last summer with her hair in an updo all the time because it was so hot-so shorts, t-shirt, and ballet bun :).

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Those spiral pins sound great! Thank you Renthead Mommy!!!


JoyfulMama I didn't wait to read and googled too. :lol: I found the spin pins alone on Amazon, but the other things included in your look look amazing too!


If anyone's interested, here's the Amazon link, but it sounds like you can get these for less in stores.



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Goody also has a pin in that same line that will hold a chignon or a French roll all by itself. It's large and sort of U-shaped, but the two ends come very close together at the ends, so the hair doesn't slip out. You make a bun, stick the pin in the bottom and through, then flip it up and back into the hair, which twists it into a roll. Takes a few tries to get the hang of it, but holds tight as a drum.


I like the spin pins too. :)

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