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Dr. Hive - another question

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My ds came home from karate a few months ago saying that he'd seen flashing lights in his peripheral vision. They went away after 2 minutes or so and after he ate a couple slices of orange. He had just had a VERY hard work out and he attributed it to low blood sugar. (I've since had these same flashes after a hard run and talked with numerous people and it does seem to be related to working out and not enough sugar.)


Anyway, tonight he came home saying that he'd seen moving white lights in his vision. They looked like tadpoles he said. They lasted a minute or so. I've googled and found nothing that helps. He doesn't have a headache, but he's been suffering with sinus issues forever.


This poor child has been to the doctor for so much (long story!). Please tell me this is nothing! (Or tell me he needs to go to the doctor if he really does! But, be gentle!!!)

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I don't have any answers. I wouldn't think it's anything to worry about (at least I hope) because I've had the same thing happen to me for as long as I can remember. I don't know why it happens and haven't actually paid attention to if it coincides with hunger or exercise.

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I don't have any answers. I wouldn't think it's anything to worry about (at least I hope) because I've had the same thing happen to me for as long as I can remember. I don't know why it happens and haven't actually paid attention to if it coincides with hunger or exercise.


Really? Which thing - the flashing lights in your peripheral vision? Or the tadpole lights thing? He said they were very different. The second time he was definitely not sugar-deprived (Halloween candy!).

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Really? Which thing - the flashing lights in your peripheral vision? Or the tadpole lights thing? He said they were very different. The second time he was definitely not sugar-deprived (Halloween candy!).


I haven't had the flashing lights but I get the tadpole floating lights. They last long enough for me sometimes to try to "follow" one. I've never really thought anything about those because they've just always come and gone.

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I haven't had the flashing lights but I get the tadpole floating lights. They last long enough for me sometimes to try to "follow" one. I've never really thought anything about those because they've just always come and gone.


This is what happened to him tonight. He had time to explain what was happening to a friend who was with him. But, then they went away. He said there were a LOT of them at once though. Not just one. I do remember this happening once to me - but I saw ONE "tadpole" thing.


Well, good to know he's not alone!! I'm relieved it just seemed to pass. A couple sites mentioned sinus issues. FYI!


Thanks for responding!

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Does he get migraines? It could be a form of aura. I get auras sometimes without the migraine headaches. I would take him in so his doctor can check it out.


I thought of that too. He does get headaches - he's had one all day - along with sinus pressure. But, he's been able to function well. He did school, went to two hours of karate, and then ran 5 miles! This happened during karate. So, I doubt it's a migraine.


I think a physical is in order. Thanks!

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I've had the 'tadpoles' and flashing lights since childhood, too. Two years ago I experienced an ocular migraine. It was painless, but it completely freaked me out! I can only describe it my vision having a water ripple effect in one eye. Reading these other responses, I wonder if all of these vision issues are related to ocular migraines :confused:.

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I've had the 'tadpoles' and flashing lights since childhood, too. Two years ago I experienced an ocular migraine. It was painless, but it completely freaked me out! I can only describe it my vision having a water ripple effect in one eye. Reading these other responses, I wonder if all of these vision issues are related to ocular migraines :confused:.


YES!!! This is it. I keep saying it was like flashing lights, but it was more like sunlight flashing off the water. KWIM? One of the youtube videos shows it really well. And, yes. Just one eye.


So, you never got a headache either?

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YES!!! This is it. I keep saying it was like flashing lights, but it was more like sunlight flashing off the water. KWIM? One of the youtube videos shows it really well. And, yes. Just one eye.


So, you never got a headache either?



No, not with any of the vision symptoms. I have had migraines (knock on wood, none in about 5 years!), but my migraines and headaches never come with vision symptoms.

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Ocular migraines are harmless. They're simply migraines without the traditional headache. I get them once every year or two. They can make you feel drained and tired afterwards, but other than that.....just be grateful you don't get the head pain. The triggers are similar to those of a traditional migraine, so if you find you get them frequently...try to identify what might be causing them and work to avoid it.


Of course, you need to see a physician and get an accurate diagnosis. But, if he tells you this is what you have after an exam....don't sweat it.

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I have ocular migraines and they do appear to me like sunlight rippling on water. Like the other folks said, they don't do much other than make it hard to see for a while and then go away. I can time mine for 30 minutes from start to finish.


But I have also had a retinal torsion, which is when your eyeball pulls on your optic nerve. I did this when I seriously bonked my head standing up underneath a cabinet door. This caused only flashing lights in my peripheral vision. It came and went for two months or so while the optic nerve healed and I haven't had any problems since.


If you can't identify what is going on I really would suggest an eye doctor. They are very knowledgeable about this sort of thing. My eye doc could tell the difference between my descriptions of the ocular migraine and the retinal torsion. I was amazed.

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Google 'floaters in the eye' - are these what you're seeing?


Thanks. But, no. These were brighter than that.


Ocular migraines are harmless. They're simply migraines without the traditional headache. I get them once every year or two. They can make you feel drained and tired afterwards, but other than that.....just be grateful you don't get the head pain. The triggers are similar to those of a traditional migraine, so if you find you get them frequently...try to identify what might be causing them and work to avoid it.


Of course, you need to see a physician and get an accurate diagnosis. But, if he tells you this is what you have after an exam....don't sweat it.


Interesting because my ds is VERY tired this morning. And, he still has a headache.


I have ocular migraines and they do appear to me like sunlight rippling on water. Like the other folks said, they don't do much other than make it hard to see for a while and then go away. I can time mine for 30 minutes from start to finish.


But I have also had a retinal torsion, which is when your eyeball pulls on your optic nerve. I did this when I seriously bonked my head standing up underneath a cabinet door. This caused only flashing lights in my peripheral vision. It came and went for two months or so while the optic nerve healed and I haven't had any problems since.


If you can't identify what is going on I really would suggest an eye doctor. They are very knowledgeable about this sort of thing. My eye doc could tell the difference between my descriptions of the ocular migraine and the retinal torsion. I was amazed.


Yikes! That torsion sounds scary. I'll ask about that too.


I wonder if the "tadpoles" are floaters? How old is your ds?


This is my 14 yo. They definitely aren't floaters.


I was thinking of floaters, too--I have a lot of them


One thing that I thought of is that flashing lights and a sudden increase in floaters can be signs of a detach (ing) retina. I have no idea if this could be it at all. Just throwing it out there.


I was nervous about this, but it went away. If he had a detached retina, wouldn't it still be happening?


Thanks all!

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I get the ocular migraines with no headache. I get them like twice a year. It freaked me out the first few times before I decided to google it. I thought for sure my retinas were detaching! (Yes, I always think of the worst case scenario LOL). Mine looks exactly like this and slowly moves across the whole eye:


But tadpoles sound like floaters. I have two that are shaped like that. I'm not sure what else is shaped like tadpoles.

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