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Any ideas what is wrong with me?

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I woke up at 3 am with a horrible pain in my neck and under my shoulder blade. It is also radiating down my arm all the way to my hand. It is my right side.


I did a little bit of yardwork yesterday but nothing strenuous. There was not a time when I felt "ouch I pulled something". This morning I did some yoga (my rx for any muscle type pain) and while I feel a bit better, it is still pretty bad.


ANyone have any ideas?

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That usually means my neck is out and a trip to the chiropractor. I almost never do anything where I can pinpoint the cause.


ETA: My shoulder can get out of whack to. My chiropractor pulls it outward and works the muscles under it sometimes.

Edited by joannqn
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I woke up at 3 am with a horrible pain in my neck and under my shoulder blade. It is also radiating down my arm all the way to my hand. It is my right side.


I did a little bit of yardwork yesterday but nothing strenuous. There was not a time when I felt "ouch I pulled something". This morning I did some yoga (my rx for any muscle type pain) and while I feel a bit better, it is still pretty bad.


ANyone have any ideas?


Could be gall bladder. Could be muscle pain. Could be heart. Could be a migraine, unlikely though. My bet is on gall bladder, but I would take a couple of aspirin on the offchance that it's heart. Lie down, breathe deeply, and call the advice nurse.

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I had those exact symptoms. It was a bulging cervical disc. The pressure on the nerves caused pain, tingling and numbness to my fingers, and a pain that ran under my shoulder blade. Mine ruptured when I tilted my head suddenly in the shower, and I was in pain for weeks. A physical therapist taught me some exercises to help heal the disc. Had I known and done the exercises before the disc ruptured, I might have avoided the rupture.


I'd go to the doctor and/or a chiropractor who does gentle manipulation if it's not better in the next 2-3 days. It may be something else, but if it is a disc in your spine, there are exercises you can do to keep it from getting worse.



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