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If lady with Master's in Math offered upper-level math class for hs'ers, would you..?

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A good friend of mine asked me to post this to you all.


My friend is a stay at home mom since birth of her daughter 1 year ago. She needs to earn some money, so I mentioned that perhaps she could offer to teach some upper-level math classes for homeschoolers in the area. She has a Master's degree in Math and taught in the public schools for 8+ years.

We didn't know if there was a "market" for such or not. I thought that many moms are likely open to delegated the teaching of these more complicated math courses to an expert especially if the rates were affordable.


Some of our questions:

Is this a service any of you homeschoolers would be interested in were she in your area?

If so, which classes would you be interested in?


What would you consider a fair price/rate for her services?


Any other thoughts on this?


Know of any similar situation in your neck of the woods?


How many would be "too many" in the classroom?


ANY input would be appreciated.



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Honestly, no, unless the class were meeting every weekday. Meeting once a week or so just wouldn't be enough.


My child used a CD-ROM teacher for Foerster's Algebra I. He presented every lesson. She would turn on the CD-ROM each morning and there he'd be, ready to explain the lesson thoroughly and work through sample problems. For $65 or so total, it was a bargain. I can't imagine that a once-a-week teacher (I'm making the assumption that it would be once a week) would be all that helpful.


I'm sorry to sound negative -- I know you're trying to help your friend.

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I pay a former physics teacher $50 a month to teach ds physics

(1xwk/2 hours.)

There are 11 other kids in the class hosted at my friend's home.

My friend found this teacher at a co-op but did not want to drive there and invited him to start another class in her home.

We don't outsource math because dh has the time to do that with ds, but I know many other families that do.


The best way for her to find students is to get connected with a homeschool co-op or support group that can get her name out there.

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The one-day academies in my area offer math classes that meet 1x/week for 2 hours each time and cost $40/month.


I plan to offer a geometry class next year that meets 1x/week for 2 hours at a time and costs $40/month. I would like for homework to be emailed to me daily, so I can give feedback and correct misconceptions before too much time has passed. Just about everybody has either a digital camera or a scanner to send images of homework with.

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Honestly, no, unless the class were meeting every weekday. Meeting once a week or so just wouldn't be enough.


My child used a CD-ROM teacher for Foerster's Algebra I. He presented every lesson. She would turn on the CD-ROM each morning and there he'd be, ready to explain the lesson thoroughly and work through sample problems. For $65 or so total, it was a bargain. I can't imagine that a once-a-week teacher (I'm making the assumption that it would be once a week) would be all that helpful.


I'm sorry to sound negative -- I know you're trying to help your friend.


We very likely use the same CD-ROM teacher for algebra II. He is there every morning; however, he isn't there when my son has questions, he doesn't correct my son's homework, and he doesn't correct his tests. These things become more and more complicated as kids progress.


I would be happy to pay an excellent teacher to teach my son algebra II and up. But I agree with the others that the class would need to meet several times per week.

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Honestly, no, unless the class were meeting every weekday. Meeting once a week or so just wouldn't be enough.



:iagree:I think with advanced math especially, you'd need to meet everyday. However, has she thought of just tutoring? Now that my mom is retired, she tutors on the side.

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My dd takes math from a friend who is a homeschooling mom and former college math teacher. She allows maximum 10 students in a class because her garage is her classroom and she can't fit more than 10 in it. Also, she finds 10 (or lower) to be a manageable size for a group and a good size for discussion. My dd has taken algebra with her last year and this year is taking geometry and algebra 2 concurrently. Her math classes meet 2 days a week, 1.5 hours each time. She charges $180 per semester and we have to buy our own texts.


This teacher has revolutionized my dd's math learning. Tell your friend to go for it - she won't know until she tries!


FWIW, this friend has a dream to start a classical school. Along with teaching her own four kids, she teaches math, Latin, Greek, Classical Conversations, and logic out of her garage, pursuing her dream! She is a great inspiration to me.

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She may be able to find students who need tutoring in math, not only who are homeschooled, but public school students and adults who need help with math. A lot of people struggle with math. That is not unique to people that homeschool.

My sister in law hired a tutor for math when she was going to school to be an RN.

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The place that offered to tutor my daughter in math, said that because of our situation, they'd offer her a "bargain rate" of $18 an hour. Ugh.... (If we were low income, she could have received 30 hrs free.... because of the public school... and a program...) Bummer... $18 might be inexpensive.. but it's a lot for us!!


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