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What do you let your children eat that others may be appalled by.

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Ummmm................everything???? Including....cough...cough.....Energy Drinks.



Do I need to run and hide now??:leaving:




Please don't run and hide, (heavan knows I let mine eat stuff they shouldn't) but do be careful with these. My dh had developed an energy drink habit a couple years ago and then started to have problems with high blood pressure. When he decided to kick the energy drink habit the blood pressure problems magically disappeared. Then a couple of weeks ago my DD's life skills class had a police officer come talk to them specifically about these drinks. Seems not to long ago paramedics were called to a teenage party because a young girl had collapsed. The toxicology report sho we'd no alcohol or illegal drugs in her system. just high quantities of caffeine and Taurine (sp?). She literally died from an energy drink overdose.


At the moment there is a box of cookie crisp sitting in my pantry DS talked me into in a moment of weakness and ramen is a favorite easy snack around here.:tongue_smilie: Also they are allowed a soda now and then, try to limit it to no more then one 12 oz. Soda in a day and they don't get them everyday.


Eta: looking back at other peoples posts I have to say there are quite a few things we eat that others would consider taboo.

Edited by akmommy
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Yes, I think "weirdness" depends on where you live. It wasn't weird at all to see children eating sushi when we lived in Japan. Now we live in a small town in the south where the children live on chicken nuggets. Even the wait staff at the Japanese restaurant are surprised when dd orders sashimi.


My kids are adored by the staff at our neighborhood sushi bar. I haven't let the 20-month-old try raw fish yet, but he scarfs down salmon eggs (ikura) like there's no tomorrow. The 5-year-old eats everything we let her have, raw or not, and is waiting for her 6th birthday, when I'll rescind my "nothing on the high-mercury list" rule. (I'm waiting for the 20-month-old to wean, so that I can eat from the high-mercury list too!)

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Yes, I think "weirdness" depends on where you live. It wasn't weird at all to see children eating sushi when we lived in Japan.

Yes. Many times in the US it's assumed that foods from other countries/cultures is for adults, because that's when those people first ate that food, whereas the kids of adventurous parents likely have at least seen (if not tried) those same foods.


That being said, my in-laws are almost unanimous that cheese is totally weird and laugh that anyone eats it.

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Occasionally french fries. Or curly fries. Or even cheese curds. All from the drive-through. (and the only reason they get them is because *I* want them and it would be unfair to make them watch me eat them :tongue_smilie:)


Ds likes to taste any new wine I get. By taste, I mean a sniff, a sip, a swoosh...and no, I don't make him spit it out. And he only gets one sip. I'd let dd, too, but she doesn't like it. I'm guessing a lot of parents would consider that weird.

(eta- before anyone freaks out, I don't often get new kinds - possibly every other month or so I'll find it in the budget to get a nicer bottle than normal - those are the ones I'll allow the taste)

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Ds likes to taste any new wine I get. By taste, I mean a sniff, a sip, a swoosh...and no, I don't make him spit it out. And he only gets one sip. I'd let dd, too, but she doesn't like it. I'm guessing a lot of parents would consider that weird.


My son is allowed a small glass of wine occasionally. It's not uncommon in Europe, but here people will give you looks.

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