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Would someone PLEASE pick out our Algebra/Geometry courses???

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I just need to make a decision, we've been waffling...

we have Life of Fred Algebra 1, but I didn't think it had enough problems so we have Saxon Algebra to add some in...but that has geometry mixed in...I think he has enough Algebra 1 under his belt to go ahead and start Geometry...(we want to start in the next 3 weeks)...I can't find Jacob's/Lial's anywhere to look at it, I did find UCSMP Algebra 2 and Glencoe Algebra 2....both are okay looking...


We really liked Saxon for 1-7 but want a dedicated Geometry book....does Life of Fred's do a thorough job? I HATED geometry, I had 2 years of Calculus (three if you count high school) and have NO problem with Algebra/Calc...well until you go nuts on integrating sin/cos/tan...blech!


I know many of you have been at this juncture and had to make a decision and probably bought a lot...we're not too keen on Teaching Textbooks or Chalkdust...I'm just hoping a magical answer will poof for me and make this dilemma end!


Thanks for your help!


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We did BJU for both, w/dvds. You can do the online option (access to dvd content, not live) for less $$.


You can preview online at bjupress.com. I don't know how to link, but you go to the subject (Algebra 1 is 9th grade, Geometry is 10th), and click sample.


We didn't like Saxon, Chalkdust, or Teaching Textbooks.

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My younger son has been using a Brown, Dolciani book for the past year (he's just started his second year with it). I really, really like it. He has a math tutor, so I'm not working through it with him, save when he needs help with his homework at home (and his Dad often helps with that). But we've all been impressed with how good the word problems are....

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We LOVE Foerster Algebra!!!


I did like a supplement some professor has that goes along with Foerster, does it really matter which edition they have? I just have not been able to find samples of it anywhere...my son does not like books that are filled with useless pictures/color pizzazz on his math books, that is why LOF and Saxon appealed to us, I want a solid book and I don't care how old...can I get by with the 1994 edition?



I need to check BJU as well, we've used their biology and liked that but was concerned their text for math may be as colorful and distracting as some of the others I've seen (Glencoe)...thanks!!


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We have Foerster 1994 edition- no frills, pictures, etc. The only color is blue boxes that have the definitions/explanations you should know/memorize. Super simple. Walks you through the learning process of each new topic.


We also have Math Without Borders Cd Rom (Dr. Chandler)

I do have the Solutions Manual (but the answers to the odd numbers are in the student text- just not the even or the worked out solution).


My 13 yr. old has done all the lessons so far on her own and has not watched the CD rom. She has understood perfectly so far.

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A new title to check out! Thanks! I wish I could sit down in one room with ALL these options and it would be much simpler to eliminate! :)



Have you tried checking out these books through inter-library loan? I have been able to review a lot of textbooks this way. You would be surprised what you can get your hands on. Ask your librarian to help you. You might also check into the library of a nearby college or university.

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Originally Posted by Meredith viewpost.gif


We will be using Jurgensen, Brown, Jurgensen Geometry from Mcdougal Littel. Jacob's seemed too chatty to me.


A new title to check out! Thanks! I wish I could sit down in one room with ALL these options and it would be much simpler to eliminate! :)




We used the above book for geometry. And while I think the text is good as far as the scope, the depth, and the challenges it provides, it's very challenging, especially if you're used to Saxon. The solutions manual is basically an answer key - not like the Saxon solutions manual. The proofs will show one possible method, and that's it. Saxon may be the same for proofs, I'm not sure. But we found that more often than not, we were coming up against proofs for which there hadn't been any previous instruction. This can be great for expanding the mind and having to think things through, but it can also lead to a lot of difficulty when correcting work.


Just wanted to share our experience. I also found out, about half way through the text, that when other schools use this text they assign less than half the problems we were doing. So for a chapter or two, dd did the odds or evens. It didn't work well for us and dd had to go back and do those chapters without skipping any problems. We were so glad when geometry was done. :tongue_smilie:

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My son loved Lials Alg 2 and Pre-Calculus. I only wished I'd found it earlier. Explanations very easy and he needed very little help from me. I think they are very thorough books and although not super rigorous they are not easy either. I don't know where you can get samples but you can find them extremely cheap so you could buy the student book and you wouldn't be out much money. I found mine on Abebooks.com for $4 plus media mail shipping. I was reluctant at first since I couldn't find a copy either but when I realized I could get a book for $8 it didn't really care if we ended up not liking it.

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Just a note- when we were looking for an Algebra I text I ordered several. I have Lials Algebra, Dolciani, Jacobs, and Foerster.

As I said above, we chose Foerster. Lial would be my second choice, but one thing about Lial- though it does explain things very well, it is very visually cluttered. There are many pages of instruction and both my kids (and myself) felt it was confusing due to how much info is crammed on the pages.


Also, Lials introduces several related concepts in each lesson. Foerster keeps each lesson a bit more simple focusing on one main topic per lesson. I would imagine this is due to the fact that Lials is used as remedial college course. The older age of the students lends itself to being able to introduce several topics at once. I like my 13 yr. old focusing more on one topic.

Just a thought. Both are good. Just depends on how your child will "take" it.


I was able to purchase my Lial's Introductory Algebra for 99 cents on Amazon!! It came in excellent condition. You could always buy a copy just to check it out.

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My favorite is Kinetic Books. I've only used their Algebra I and Algebra II, but based on those programs, I'm sure their Geometry (coming out this month) will be very good as well.




They have a 30-day money-back guarantee.


I would have my youngest using their pre-algebra if I could get her to try a computer-based program.

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We've fully transitioned over to using LOF. We had great results with Geometry. Some kids do require a bit more practice, but it's easy to supplement as needed. This year I'm tutoring an Alg2 student and using a Larson text to pull extra material in as well as giving her some notes. We were skeptical about LOF at first, but we pulled in final exams from more traditional courses at the end of Alg1 and Geometry and dd tested very well. PSATS were last week and dd thought the math portion was very easy.

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I need to check BJU as well, we've used their biology and liked that but was concerned their text for math may be as colorful and distracting as some of the others I've seen (Glencoe)...thanks!!




The text is plain, not much going on. What I like is that they do problems that help with skills you need to do the harder problems, kind of like adding a step inbetween. But the best thing is a teacher, one class every day, and everything is thoroughly taught, I just check homework and grade quizzes and tests.

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Thank you all!!!!!


I did as many of you suggested and found two books on amazon, got the Brown Geometry book for $4 and paid $17 for Foerster's..have no idea what edition but know that 1994 was the earliest...they should be here tomorrow! :)


I HATED geometry so I may end up trying 2-3..hopefully that new Saxon one will be out, has anyone used that at all?? I'm hoping at age 43 I can go into geometry with a much great understanding or my son will just be one of those that says, "I get it, no problem!" :)




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Each lesson is 2 days. The teaching is very detailed--so this is why it 'appears' long... It is very easy to split the lesson into smaller chunks as the homework is organized by example number...


With any text book change there is always a period of adjustment getting used to the new format.


My own girls liked that they only HAD to listen to me teach twice per week...I cover 2-3 lessons per week with my online classes--we complete the texts in about 34 weeks.


Last year I used Jacobs 3rd edition with my classes... big mistake as it just does not fit with my teaching style (it uses a discovery method and works great if you think just like the author!). This year I'm using Holt 2007 Geometry and it is working out GREAT... my middle dd used the same program in PS a few years ago and since her Math teacher stinked (for lack of a more polite word) I got VERY used to the text as I tutored my dd and all of her friends on a daily basis!

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