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link to fresh air: dh's interview.

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I listened to the interview and was pulled in by it, which was not what I expected at all with the topic. Your dh was extremely well-spoken and I loved how he elaborated on his answers without the interviewer having to pull each little bit out of him with explicit questions. Even dd (14) was fascinated by the description of the economy in which the guns were made compared to the way things work in a capitalist economy.


This is not a book that in a million years I would be caught by in a bookstore, from the title and content -- but now I'm going to read it. Many thanks for the notice and information about the interview.


P.S. Can we ask, and do you feel at all able to answer, what life is like for you with a dh who has had so many close calls and whose work is in the places it is?

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Kudos to your husband! Thanks for bringing the interview to my attention because, like KarenAnne, I would not have expected to have been interested in the topic.


I was aware of your husband's journalistic partner, Tyler Hicks, whose photographs paint the human face of war. I will now be on the lookout for your husband's work in the NY Times.


Wow--I'd love to have a cup of coffee with you some day to learn how you cope with your spouse's absences when he is off covering conflicts.

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YellowPerch, I would never have thought that I'd like a whole long interview about guns, but wow, I was impressed and enthralled. Your DH was just so conversant in his facts, so able to answer things immediately and easily and thoughtfully. I think I will request the book from the library. Congratulations to DH--and to you!

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