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First aid help needed...


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Thanks, this poor little guy has sensory integration disorder, so ANY pain is incredibly magnified. He cried through dinner, didn't eat much and I sat nearby scratching my head... this fire pit was from 2 days ago and I know my husband hosed it down before bed... I would not have thought he would get hurt.


Anyway, he feels pretty special now because I kept exchanging his ice pack for a fresh one from the freezer (the lunchbox freezer packs!)... but he hurts a lot. I just gave him some aspirin and melatonin and told him to knock on my door if he wakes up in pain tonight. His response was "And how can I get to your door if my foot is burning in pain?" (spoken with a very pitiful voice)


And the foot has a small blister, about the size of the end cap of a pen (not the end you write with!) and an area that is red the size of a dime, so this is not huge or major, but he is SO upset.

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You might have to call your Dr for a prescription but an over the counter burn paste should do okay. The one thing I would do, is to put a bandage on the foot. Since it's on the bottom of the foot it's very likely that the blister may be caused to burst prematurely or when it does it will come in contact with the floor exposing it to many germs and therefore infection. I would buy some gauze and wrap it around his foot covering the burn and change the bandage everyday and put burn cream on it daily. Once the blister has either burst or been absorbed I'd still leave the dressing on for a couple of days longer to give the skin a good chance to begin healing. If you don't do this you really do risk infection which would hurt a lot more.

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We like first aid sprays for burns. I think bactine is a good one (but the last time I used it was for poison ivy and now I can't remember if it's meant for burns or not :p ). But, any of those areosol cans of spray can make my kids feel better, :lol:. Not sure if they work, or it's just the idea of them though.

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When my 3yo burned his foot (not fire, he stepped on the hot metal threshold), we just iced it and then wrapped it (dry) to avoid floor germs. He has a high pain tolerance. If he didn't, I'd have given him a bit of Tylenol.


Even though there were several blisters, they never popped, and he was running around like usual within 48 hours.



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