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For those of you over 40 and doing WW,

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how many points are you eating to be successful at losing weight? What exercise are you doing?


I am eating a minimum of 22 points daily and not losing weight. Exercise has been light to moderate - doing the elliptical and walking. I haven't started any weight training yet.


Do you think I need to lower my points to 20?

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Do you mean a MAXIMUM of 22 points?


Did you calculate your points using the WW guidelines for age, activity and weight?


I get 20 points at the moment and I have plateaued. Mostly because I quite tracking a few weeks ago and I know I am eating more than that (probably closer to 30) but I am biking, shredding and playing tennis so I think I am holding steady due to the activity points.


You shouldn't decrease your points unless the guidelines indicate you should.


I think the better question would be 'how are you using your points'? Are you eating a lot of carbs or investing them in fruits and veggies?


Losing weight can be frustrating. I wish you the best of luck. You can do this!!!

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I meant a minimum of 22 points daily with the 35 flex points. When I did WW a long time ago, I had fewer points (20 and 18, I think) and I did the program with a lot of success. I don't know how my age factors into this or if I'm premenopausal. My basic health is good - no thyroid issues, normal blood sugar, etc. I'm thinking about lowering the points.

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I started WW when I turned 51 after going through menopause, and lost 20 in 4 months. I am extremely tall so my points were 27 and ended up at 25, (without the extra 35 points). I think on average I used about 10 of the 35 extra points each week - mostly for treats or going out to a special event.


Tracking is the most important step of WW. If you are doing that and not losing then I would check your portion size. Weigh and measure everything possible to make sure your tracking is accurate. Another thing that really helps with portion control is to track before you eat. Our class moto was, "If you bite it, write it". I did the reverse of that, "Write it, before you bite it". That made me accoutable for everything that went in my mouth, and there were several times I wanted seconds but didn't indulge since it was already written down.


WW has a list of filling foods. I tried to add one to every meal and snack and that really helped control cravings and hunger. For example at lunch I often ate a Morning Star Mushroom burger on a Sandwich Thin round bread, with FF mayo = 3 points. I started added cut tomato which didn't add any points, but helped me feel fuller. I also rarely ate a starch at dinner, though I tried to make double veggies, and I pigged out on those.


I attended meetings weekly and someone there mentioned that you will lose weight twice as fast if you exercise. I exercised the last 2 months of my weight loss by walking or riding a recumbant bike - probably 1 hour average 5 times a week.


To answer your original question, I wouldn't lower your points, but I would be viligant about portion control and tracking. It really works and the weight will come off.


ETA - I forgot to mention that to help with tracking I made a list of my 5 favorite breakfast and lunches along with the points for each. That way I didn't have to recalc points every meal. For dinner I used an online meal planning service, e-mealz.com, point version. They list the WW points with each recipes so I didn't have to calculate dinner points either. That made tracking much more managble.

Edited by Ferdie
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I only lose weight if I use my 24 pts plus most of my weeklies. If I use only my daily points the scale doesn't move and I'm in a bad mood. I try to do 1-3 activity points a day, usually walking and some free weights, and I usually will eat most of these also. I prefer to spread my weekly points out, adding 3-6 a day. I'm 42, and I have been losing slowly but steadily, .5 to 1.5 a week without feeling hungry or cranky. There is (or was) an unofficial member tweak to ww that was very popular on the old boards for breaking a plateau, but I can't remember what it is called. Perhaps if you ask on the boards (especially the GDT if it's still there?) someone may know. Good luck!

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It was very very difficult for me. When I was in my 30's the weight came off so easily. Once I hit 40 it's been such a struggle. Personally... this is what helped.

1) using all my points - including bonus points

2) varying the amount of points I used each day. For example, I had 22 points a day. So, I didn't use those and 5 bonus points a day every day. Some days I did only 22 points, other days I did 32 points, using 2 days worth of bonus points.


It took me about 15 months to lose 15 lbs a couple years ago and I've gained back about 10 of them. I have been very very frustrated with my weight. I am not overweight, but I am heavier than I'd like to be. Another thing that frustrates me with my weight is that it fluctuates so much that I never really see a cause and effect when dieting. I gain at least 3 lbs. with AF is here, I tend to retain water for whatever reason. So, I'd have weeks where I'd do great following the plan and tracking and I'd gain 1/2 lb. And then there were weeks when I didn't do all that great and I'd lose 2 lbs. It was stupid and mentally really did me in. I mean, why torture myself when I'm not going to see anything on the scale, even though I KNOW it's AF. I know it, but it still doesn't make any difference psychologically. It's just frustrating.

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By WW calculations, I can have 20 points per day. I usually try to get at least 4 activity points per day. I also try not to eat more than my daily points plus activity points plus half my weekly points. As you lose, maximum points per day goes down unfortunately. I lost 20 lbs, but have plateaued here for 6 weeks. My activity level is up, but I need to get serious about tracking again. I know I am going over on a regular basis (and not by a little.)


I tell you, the activity points are good incentive for me not to skip workouts, which is a good thing, but I am eating too many carbs right now.

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A couple of years ago I did WW and just started back today. When doing WW I ate my daily points based on weight, my flex points at one awesome meal each week and then my AP points daily. I lost 33 1/2 lbs in 3 months. I restarting now in hopes of not being a fat grandma in February. :)

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