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DD (infant) sleeping too much?

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Hello Ladies,

This is my fourth child so I should now how it all works but she is so different than my boys:)

In particular she sleeps! I know I should be overjoyed to have a good sleeper but since none of my other DC were very good sleepers (some still aren't:glare:) but she sleeps a lot! What is too much.

She is five almost six months old and usually sleeps from 7:30pm to 7am. A 2-3 hour morning nap aound 9am. A 2-3 hour nap around 2pm. And an hour nap around 5:00!

I feel like she's hardly ever awake:001_smile:. My DH is concerned as well. Anyone have a DC like this or should we check with her Ped? Thanks

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I'm not sure what is "normal" because my other 2 boys didn't sleep much, and I can't remember how much my daughter slept (she's 8 now), but my 4 1/2 month old boy sleeps:


7:30/8:00 PM to 6:00 or 7:00 AM

10:00 AM to 1:00 or 2:00 PM

4:00 to 5:00 PM


He's healthy, happy, calm, and growing like a weed.


My first boy never slept more than 1.5 at a time, even at night.


My second son never slept if he wasn't in my arms or had my nipple in his mouth until 6 months old. He never slept through the night until after age 2.


Did she just recently start sleeping this much, or has she been like this all along?

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She's been sleeping well for about 2 months but has been sleeping longer naps and nights for about the last week or two. Maybe I'm just not used to a baby that sleeps:lol:


She's is very mellow when awake (again a new thing for me:)). She's had great checks ups, been healthy besides initial issues with jaundice at birth. She's a lot smaller than my boys but again that might be attributed to her being a girl:) She's just a happy/content child, I should just count myself lucky:)

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My middle daughter was like that. My firstborn was colicky, and so when she barely cried and slept a ton, I just knew something was wrong! I told my ped. that she seemed lethargic! She wasn't... she was just calm and a great sleeper. They told me as long as she was growing, gaining weight, normal coordination and development, etc. that I should simply count my blessings. ;-)


If it's only been a week or two for the heavy sleep, she may be going through a growth spurt. I remember mine being more sleepy than usual around 6 months or so... She could be worn out from watching/learning from all those big brothers, too! I wouldn't worry unless it continues for weeks and weeks or gets worse. She's probably just developing mentally and physically and worn out with it! But if you are really concerned, ask your doctor. Phone calls are free!!

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If it's only been a week or two for the heavy sleep, she may be going through a growth spurt. I remember mine being more sleepy than usual around 6 months or so... She could be worn out from watching/learning from all those big brothers, too! I wouldn't worry unless it continues for weeks and weeks or gets worse. She's probably just developing mentally and physically and worn out with it! But if you are really concerned, ask your doctor. Phone calls are free!!


It sounds like a growth spurt. But as Hmdavis02 says, phone calls are free. If you are concerned, don't hesitate to call.

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Hello Ladies,

This is my fourth child so I should now how it all works but she is so different than my boys:)

In particular she sleeps! I know I should be overjoyed to have a good sleeper but since none of my other DC were very good sleepers (some still aren't:glare:) but she sleeps a lot! What is too much.

She is five almost six months old and usually sleeps from 7:30pm to 7am. A 2-3 hour morning nap aound 9am. A 2-3 hour nap around 2pm. And an hour nap around 5:00!

I feel like she's hardly ever awake:001_smile:. My DH is concerned as well. Anyone have a DC like this or should we check with her Ped? Thanks


I have no idea, but I have to say you've given me hope. :lol: I've had 3 non-sleeping boys (some still don't :glare:), and baby girl is due in less than 3 weeks. I have had hardly any sleep the last 4 nights due to normal pregnancy issues, 3 sick boys, one boy up all night all 4 nights with coughing/breathing problems, and being sick myself. I NEED SLEEP!!!!!


I can see myself being really worried about a baby with that sleep schedule, though, since I'm a worrier and I've never had one sleep much.

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Here's the "schedule" my 4.5 mo old has been following...


8ish to 6:30/7:00 sleep - He gets up because he wants me to take him to the bathroom to pee around 2:30. I have no idea how many times he eats during the night because he's pretty good at latching on without me now.


9 to 10 - short nap


12 to 2 - long nap


4 to 5 - short nap


The longest he's slept without me holding/wearing/laying next to him is about 25 minutes. He's a very needy sleeper.

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Must be nice! Around here, they started charging $20 for a "phone consultation." Which of course, the insurance doesn't cover, so we go in ($10 co-pay) and the insurance has to pay for an office visit! What a way to keep costs down!


That's awful! I've had several instances where something has happened after hours (head injury or high fever), that I wasn't sure warranted a visit to the ER or not, and the "call the doctor" option worked out great for us, saved a trip to the ER and lots of money. Think how many people wouldn't call because of a $20 phone call fee! Think about how many children would be harmed because of such a thing!

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Thanks everyone for the reassurances. I think I will just count myself lucky for now, I'm not worried enough to call the Dr. It wouldn't do any good anyway, here everytime I call I only get a medical assistant and she says I have to come in to see the DR:001_huh:. Why call, you know.



Heidi, after 3 boys I feel like I've entered a whole new world:lol: I am LOVING having a little girl! Blessings on your upcoming birth and daughter!


I have no idea, but I have to say you've given me hope. :lol: I've had 3 non-sleeping boys (some still don't :glare:), and baby girl is due in less than 3 weeks. I have had hardly any sleep the last 4 nights due to normal pregnancy issues, 3 sick boys, one boy up all night all 4 nights with coughing/breathing problems, and being sick myself. I NEED SLEEP!!!!!


I can see myself being really worried about a baby with that sleep schedule, though, since I'm a worrier and I've never had one sleep much.

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Your dd has the exact same sleep schedule as my dd did. I thought it was normal until we had our boys. I don't know if it is, in fact, a difference between girls and boys, but our experience has been the same as yours. Expecting again and hoping if we have another girl, the trend will hold! :)



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Hello Ladies,

This is my fourth child so I should now how it all works but she is so different than my boys:)

In particular she sleeps! I know I should be overjoyed to have a good sleeper but since none of my other DC were very good sleepers (some still aren't:glare:) but she sleeps a lot! What is too much.

She is five almost six months old and usually sleeps from 7:30pm to 7am. A 2-3 hour morning nap aound 9am. A 2-3 hour nap around 2pm. And an hour nap around 5:00!

I feel like she's hardly ever awake:001_smile:. My DH is concerned as well. Anyone have a DC like this or should we check with her Ped? Thanks


This is exactly how my first two girls slept at this age. About 12 hours at night, about 4-5 hours during the day, spread between 2-3 naps.


My latest dd.......not so much. Not NEARLY so much.:glare:

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