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S/O pumpkin head...Halloween ideas!

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Okay not a debate thread!!! Just a really creative one!!!


I love Halloween! Always have. My kids are really at a fun age, and I want to do it BIG. The only problem is...most of their friends don't celebrate. I respect that, but I still want to have fun with mine. (I think I am in somewhat rebellion after 6 years as a children's pastor's wife, I've done all the fall festivals and church alternatives.) Plus, we will be helping with the church's alternative too.


So, share your ideas on creative things we can do as a family. Even if I can't have a huge party...what I can I do with the 6 of us?


Also, please share any other great spooky ideas!!!!

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I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but every year my children like to cut out black bats from construction paper and make ghosts from tissues, attach invisible thread to them and hang them from the ceiling of our dining room. We did it when the oldest were 4 & 5 for Halloween and now they expect it every year.


Is there any place local you can go for a hayride? They are quite popular this time of year where I live.

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I go with a witch theme on our front porch. I painted a sign that said, "Witch Parking," got a couple of cheap brooms, and sat them next to the sign. It's gotten some laughs. I also found a deal on getting a sign made that has our last name on it. It says, "[Our last name] Home. Beware: Witch Within." I also change out the porch light for a black light during Halloween.

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Okay not a debate thread!!! Just a really creative one!!!


I love Halloween! Always have. My kids are really at a fun age, and I want to do it BIG. The only problem is...most of their friends don't celebrate. I respect that, but I still want to have fun with mine. (I think I am in somewhat rebellion after 6 years as a children's pastor's wife, I've done all the fall festivals and church alternatives.) Plus, we will be helping with the church's alternative too.


So, share your ideas on creative things we can do as a family. Even if I can't have a huge party...what I can I do with the 6 of us?


Also, please share any other great spooky ideas!!!!


Our family has a lot of fun with Halloween. (And we also have very few friends who celebrate the day.) We don't do anything scary or occult-related. We have a fun supper with jack o lantern cheeseburgers (cut triangle eyes and nose, and a jagged mouth, out of yellow american cheese before putting on burger), Halloween jello jigglers (from the mold), and put ice cubes with gummy worms frozen in them in our drinks. Then the kids (and sometimes dh too) get their costumes on, and we go trick or treating around our neighborhood. When we get back, we sort through the kids' candy, and let them eat some of it while we watch The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown cartoon on dvd. We also have hot cider ready for when we get home, and sometimes a yummy dessert for grownups, like pumpkin cheesecake. We take LOTS of pictures all night. It is a really fun night for us!

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The obvious:


Trick or treat

Carve pumpkins. If they're too young to wield a knife (mine are), they can design the face on paper for you and you carve. They still like to bounce around while you're carving and they love the end result.


Have a spider ring hunt. Buy a bag of spider rings. Drop they all around the house. Have the kids hunt for them.

Edited by Garga
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The Switch Witch comes to visit us on Halloween.


My kiddo has food allergies - so after he trick or treats (with gloves), he empties his candy into our "cauldron" to hand out to other kids. Then he goes inside to find a clean Halloween container of safe goodies on the kitchen table. We put in treats that he doesn't often have - mostly candies from Vermont Nut Free Chocolates (yum!) and some other special candies. And I throw in games, toys, and little "goodies" to make it fun.

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We do lite hs two weeks before Halloween to do fun activities. This year we are doing a Haunted Places unit study. I pulled it together from a Universal Class. We'll also be watching classic spooky movies every day and reading Frankenstein. We're also going to be making some fun Halloween cupcakes (apple cake with caramel buttercream frosting...Yum!) with decorations. We love Halloween so we make it really fun!

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These ideas are wonderful!!! I will have to do a spider ring/treasure hunt! I think I will work on a great menu, and of course add in a ton of spooky crafts!!!


I'm a bit concerned how I will juggle the actual night, but I'm sure I will come up with something...or you guys will!!!! :D

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