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Horizons Math K v. Horizons Math 1


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We have been using Math K this year in K. I was planning on going into the Math 1 book for next year, but I've been looking at the online samples.


From what I can see, these two levels look like different programs to me. If you've used both, were you surprised by this? Did it feel like the Math 1 was so repetitive and slow in the beginning? For example, "trace 0?" We are beyond that!


I'm not sure what to do now. All along I was assuming that Math 1 would look and feel and function at least as well as Math K has so far. Also, I was assuming that Math 1 would be the logical next step. Should we skip to Math 2? Or do something else?


:confused: Sigh. I wish I was a math quiz, and could "wing it." :confused:

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I never did Horizons K, but I can tell you that Horizons 1 will progress very quickly & it's definitely not full of pages like that--those are just review at the beginning of the book. You'll get to things like adding multi-digit numbers etc... I think you'll be fine, you can just skip any easy pages at the beginning (or do some as a review to get back into the year). Horizons usually does start off with some easy review of previous concepts, and then plunges forward.


There are placement tests--I know Sonlight has them on their board, so you could also look at those if you really aren't sure if it will work out. I think I remember that they are the kind that you place into the level if you pass the test to X percent, but the instructions will tell you for sure.


Level 2 gets into multiplication and would be quite a jump. HTH! Merry :-)


Merry :-)

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I have the teachers guides for level 1 and the first lessons are review. After that, it quickly gets into typical 1st grade math. You can easily skip the review lessons. In fact, there is a section titled "Remedial Exercises" designed to help students who may not be ready to start the actual lessons.


Have you looked at the Scope & Sequence on AOP website? It tells you what concepts are covered but not exactly when.



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You will find that the beginning of most math programs does a review from the previous year. The reason being - because most school or families take time off from school so the belief is that the majority of dc will need a number of weeks of reviewing to get back into the swing of things. With one dc I just skipped ahead to where I felt it was new material or we would do the Tests and if they passed them we'd move on to the next test. My little one now doesn't like to skip anything --so he's moving along at a quicker pace in the Math 1 book 1 until we get to an area where it's new material.


I would caution again jumping to level 2 until your dc really grasps math concepts and can score at the 2nd level on the placement test.

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Use the placement test! We used HM K and my big girl complained she was bored and it was "baby math". So I did the placement test and she placed into HM 1.




ETA: there is review in HM 1 book 1 but it mixes it with some new stuff as well.

Edited by MissKNG
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We have done both Horizons K and 1. The beginning of K and 1 are both review. I think at the beginning of 1 they do review like that in case someone is new coming into the program. It does pick up and is quite advanced by the end of the year. My ds was able to jump right into SM 2a after completing Horizons 1, and SM has been fairly easy for him so far. By the end of the year your dc will be adding with regrouping. You can always skip the review lessons, or just do them and give your dc a chance to ease into a new year.

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I have the teachers guides for level 1 and the first lessons are review. After that, it quickly gets into typical 1st grade math. You can easily skip the review lessons. In fact, there is a section titled "Remedial Exercises" designed to help students who may not be ready to start the actual lessons.


Have you looked at the Scope & Sequence on AOP website? It tells you what concepts are covered but not exactly when.




No, I didn't see it, but I'll go back and look, thanks! The samples only showed the first pages of the first book.

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There are placement tests--I know Sonlight has them on their board, so you could also look at those if you really aren't sure if it will work out. I think I remember that they are the kind that you place into the level if you pass the test to X percent, but the instructions will tell you for sure.


Level 2 gets into multiplication and would be quite a jump. HTH! Merry :-)


Merry :-)


:iagree: Horizons 1 moved slow for us but skipping to Horizons 2 would have been tough. It'd probably be better to work through Horizons 1 quickly. FWIW, I do think the format changes slightly between K and 1 but I like the format in 1 better. It's hard to put my finger on exactly what changed...it's just a general impression.

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