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Make your own bagels? Hints and recipes welcome!

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My son loves those Bagel Bites things but I am wanting to make a better version and found a OAMC recipe that is easy at food.com. It calls for mini-bagels, of course, and none of our grocery stores carry them. I have decided to make my own to get the size I want, but before I begin, I thought I would ask you for advice and if you don't mind sharing your favorite bagel recipes.



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I've used the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook recipe with whole wheat flour. While they were yummy while fresh, their texture seemed to change the next day, so I'm on the look out for a new recipe, myself.


I do have to say that they were technically easy, but such a PAIN in the time department. 3 minutes of broiling, flip for 3 more, 4 minutes of boiling, flip for 4 more, X amount of time baking... (Don't pin me to those times. It's been a while!) Simple, yet very involved.

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I used a recipe that I found somewhere online - nothing special. I had trouble making the bagel/dougnut shape and ended up with some odd leftover bits - maybe 2 inches long log shaped. I made these boiling, broiling etc... and the kids loved them! We dipped these parts into cream cheese and they made for great snacks. Next time I make bagels, I am only doing it this way! By the way I would love some great recipes too!

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Mrs. Mungo, that recipe seems deceptively easy.... I can't wait to try it though.


Oh and I would take this bit of advice from the comments:

Now, when I make Pretzels, I use Alton Brown’s recipe, which calls for boiling in highly alkaline water, which you get by adding Baking Soda (quite a bit, actually) to the water. Supposedly, that helps harden the outside. Do you think that would make a positive difference with the Bagels as well?


I think Alton's pretzel video is online. They are a similar process, you may want to search for it.

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I'm a bake-everything-from-scratch sort of person, but I don't make my own bagels because they're pretty labor- and time- intensive. Carrie1234 is exactly right. I think broilling, then boiling, then baking makes the best bagels (if I don't broil them before boiling, they're way too puffy for my taste), and I'm not willing to invest the time and energy to do that.


So, unfortunately, right now we don't eat bagels. I miss them, but not enough to make them.

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I have made my own bagels but have never been completely satisfied with the results. That said, I do make my own bread pretzels which, as Mrs. Mungo mentioned, have a boil then bake process similar to bagels. The pretzels are definitely best after they come out of the oven. A day or so later they seem a bit soggy.


No question--they are labor intensive and not the thing you want to do in hot weather!

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