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I could not believe this family!


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Now, I think there are worse scenarios out there... but, this was fairly frustrating!


I went to my sons' wrestling tournament (2 sons) and there were bleachers and there were lots of parents, siblings, etc. I picked out a good place to sit and settled in. In front of me, left to right was a mom, who kept getting up and leaving to the floor to find her son and take pictures (which is fine with me, I have done that, too), a dad, a small toddler (close to 2 years, not talking much) and the grandmother. The little boy kept turning around and smiling at us, which doesn't bother me at all... Then he started spitting... the kind where his tongue is between his lips and he sort of blows and it splatters and makes noise... That doesn't bother me too much, either, considering his age, but I don't find it cute. He kept turning around and doing this and was getting spit on my legs. I would say, in a kind voice, "No-no! Please don't spit on me!" and smile. And the dad and the grandmother did nothing. He did it again. I repeated what I said a little louder, leaning forward a little, hoping grandma or dad would turn him around and tell him not to do this.


Then it started to smell. One of my boys asks, "Oh, what is that smell?" He didn't say it too loud and I whispered in his ear not to ask that again, but it was probably the little one needing a diaper change. Not one of the adults responded to the smell. It did not go away. And we're on crowded bleachers!


I just don't get it. The way the tournament worked, your child wrestled, then had about a 40 minute wait for the next round. Any of these adults could have taken care of that child's diaper and not missed their wrestler.


After about a half hour of smell, the dad said to the grandma, "I am going home, I can take him with me." Then he got up and left with the toddler. Phew!

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I agree. I don't understand people like that. A few months ago we went to a minor league baseball game. There was a boy behind us (probably at least 12 years old) eating peanuts and spitting out the shell. The problem was that he wasn't very good at spitting and it was more like drooling. My daughters were sitting right in front of him but they had left to get food. I didn't realize how bad of an aim this kid had until I saw him hit the lady in front of us. Then I realized that they were all over the back my daughter's chair. When dd came back I told her to not lean back. I said it loud enough so that the family could hear us but they didn't do anything.


The mom was blessed with large "books" that weren't contained very well in bookshelves. Several times she got up and was leaning forward and literally was bumping dh in the head. The first time he didn't know what was hitting his head and turned around and got an eye full. The poor guy didn't know how to handle it. It happened several times and I can't believe the lady would be so rude. She didn't have to lean forward like that and just didn't seem to care.

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I am convinced that our society has become, by in large, completely self-absorbed and ill-mannered. I meet people all the time that do not have the common courtesy to take care of these kinds of issues because they have no intention of having their time, their fun, their whatever being interrupted.


I am not certain what the answer is but we have a pretty serious culture crisis right now because of this self-centeredness.



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I am fairly certain that there is a special level of hell that greatly resembles wrestling tournaments:glare:. That kind of crazy is unique to that atmosphere: boys wrestling, overcrowded small-town gym, not enough seating, under-rested people (since tournaments here start around 8am and we have to drive over an hour), and over-competitive parents. :grouphug: I understand completely.

Edited by wendilouwho
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I am convinced that our society has become, by in large, completely self-absorbed and ill-mannered. I meet people all the time that do not have the common courtesy to take care of these kinds of issues because they have no intention of having their time, their fun, their whatever being interrupted.


I am not certain what the answer is but we have a pretty serious culture crisis right now because of this self-centeredness.






This past weekend I took my daughter to see the Labor Day parade in our town, and we arrived early enough to get a good place because we wanted to see my son's marching band. We set up our lawn chairs and stayed in them the whole time. Not long before the parade a couple of dads with about 8 kids in tow make their way down the street and when they got to our area commented on how crowded it was and then directed the kids to a remaining opening beside us that was the right size for 2 small kids. Of the eight kids, three looked to be middle school kids and were quite tall. As soon as the parade started they stood up and spread out in front of us. I politely asked them to be seated so we could see, which they did...until the next parade group arrived with candy and then they stood up and spread out again. Not only were we blocked, but everyone beside us, including an elderly man in a chair with a cane.


I NEVER would have allowed my kids to do that (and my daughter even commented on that), but the dads not only didn't notice (or more aptly didn't care), they were yelling out tips to the kids to get more candy.


That was frustrating enough, but then the moms arrived, and one of them stepped directly in front of us with a toddler in her arms and settled in to watch the parade.


That's when I knew there was no hope of seeing anything so we packed up our chairs. I tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, we got here early so I could see my son in the parade and you are blocking everyone in this area."


Then we moved across the street. I was livid.

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I am convinced that our society has become, by in large, completely self-absorbed and ill-mannered. I meet people all the time that do not have the common courtesy to take care of these kinds of issues because they have no intention of having their time, their fun, their whatever being interrupted.


I am not certain what the answer is but we have a pretty serious culture crisis right now because of this self-centeredness.




I agree. It's a big factor in the road-rage problem. ("How dare you get in front of me!")

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I am convinced that our society has become, by in large, completely self-absorbed and ill-mannered. I meet people all the time that do not have the common courtesy to take care of these kinds of issues because they have no intention of having their time, their fun, their whatever being interrupted.


I am not certain what the answer is but we have a pretty serious culture crisis right now because of this self-centeredness.



Yup, :iagree: It is a problem with no solution in sight.

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Well my dh could tell you some tales about what he sees and hears on his way in and out of work. Some people behave like animals. We have a massive problem with littering, vandalism and anti-social behavior around here and it doesn't seem to be getting any better.


It's the littering that gets me the most. Garbage that's dropped just a few yards from a bin, and endless cigarette ends and discarded gum. And dog poop. :ack2: :cursing: We have a dog, but I've never left her doings anywhere; I always have at least 2 poop bags in my pocket every time I take her out. It's really not difficult to do that!

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