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Your Favorite Phonics Program


Which is your favoite phonics program?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which is your favoite phonics program?

    • Sing, Spell, Read & Write
    • McRuffy Phonics
    • Spell to Write and Read
    • Alphaphonics
    • Ordinary Parentâ??s Guide to Teaching Reading
    • Phonics Pathways
    • 100 Easy Lessons
    • Other, Please explain.

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For my ds Phonics Pathways worked great. No it wasn't super fun, but it is thorough and gets the job done. My ds is a get it done and move on kinda guy. We went through the entire book last year, and I think he reads excellent for a 2nd grader. My dd is another story. She is still 4 and can't stand Phonics Pathways at this point, but she wants to learn to read. I just started Reading Made Easy with her last week, and so far we both love it. She loves the short lessons, and getting to pick out a story book when she listens well. At this point I plan to go all the way through Reading Made easy with her, and then I will use PP to teach anything RME did not cover.

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Currently I'm using Phonics Road with my two middle boys and really enjoying it.


My 7yr. old is using Saxon Phonics 1; I like it and plan to use level 2. Don't like the sight word teaching and we will code those words.


For a fun Kinder year my last ds is using McRuffy Phonics K; it has lots of color and cutting and pasting. We like it but we'll most likely not use it next year.


I've tried and looked at many but the above are my three top picks ;)


I own SWR and refer to it but it's not one of my favorites. I really like all the information though. It helped me to understand Phonics Road.

Edited by Homeschooling6
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I used Calvert's program with the first 2, 100 Easy Lessons with the next, and Hooked on Phonics with ds4. Calvert was fun but not systematic, 100 Easy Lessons was systematic but not fun, and Hooked on Phonics was so easy and systematic that it didn't need to be fun (although my son thought it was). Of the 3 I've used I prefer HOP.


I also use computer programs like Reader Rabbit and Click-n-kids.

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(which I only used with my youngest).


I used Phonics Pathways and Reading Reflex with my older children, but incorporated many of the guidelines in WRTR as well, particularly for my oldest child who seemed to need the extra help. I ended up using bits of this sort of explicit phonogram instruction with my other children as well as I saw how efficient the method was. So, I suppose I always just did whatever worked, picking and choosing among resources and methods.



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Hey Jana! Good to see you here :).


I picked other (no surprise there :lol:). I never put all my eggs in one basket so I use multiple programs for Phonics. So far what we have used and have been very happy with:


- Hooked on Phonics

- Horizons Phonics (a personal favorite for me since it is the only spiral program I have found so far that I can handle)



We have finished HOP and are still continuing with Horizons and ETC.

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We use HOP. She hit a wall when she tried to learn the silent E. So I stopped HOP, and put her on Reading Egg when they had the free 3 months offer in the summer. She went through the last 30 levels of Reading Egg and she learned silent E (and more) from the program, plus lots of Henry and Mudge readers. We just started back on HOP. I can see that she is going to breeze through the last 2 levels.

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We use BOB Books, Nora Gaydos books, Starfall, Reading Eggs and Progressive Phonics.


Approaching it from so many different areas really works for us, plus DD enjoys feeling like she is really reading with the BOB books and Nora Gaydos books.


OH, and we are starting AAS soon. DD loves to spell words, which is why I started looking for a spelling program, and I like that AAS seems to help with reading also.

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