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Here are my kids. The knights are gone.

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Haha--I've had the Monty Python knights for so long, with the caption, "It's just a flesh wound." It represented a lot of things--my sense of humor, my British heritage, my tendency to deny pain, my need to go on when it feels life and other's choices have hacked off my limbs...



But here are my kiddos--and they represent a lot, too--


Sky is my teacher.

Nature Girl is my joy.

Film Buff is my heart.


Sky taught me to hang on and to let go, to know the difference between detaching and giving to God, to love without expectation of being loved back, to risk, to not waste time.


Nature Girl taught me to be tender, to value innocence, to dance and to sing, to find God in His creation.


Film Buff taught me to be patient, to depend on God when there was no answer, to laugh, to trust the process, and to believe.


We've come a long way and have far to go. Thanks for praying us through, and for all the good thoughts and honest best wishes!

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