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WWE1-encouraging complete sentences?


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We are working our way through WWE 1, and whenever I read the passage to my child and then ask the questions, all I get are 1-word answers! What tips do you have for encouraging the use of complete sentences?


Take the child's one-word answer, put it into a sentence yourself, and have your child repeat that sentence back to you.

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If it helps, my very concise 6 year old is half way through WWE1 and must still be reminded to answer in complete sentences about half the time. The skill does not come naturally to her as she is a hurry up and get it done kind of kid, so I imagine it may be into WWE2 before she does it consistently.


I stop her before she can finish an answer and make her start over with a complete sentence. If she seems stumped, I give her a suggestion for the first word or two.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
This is what I've been doing. Maybe I'm just not giving it enough time.


I'm right there with you, just so you know you have company :D my plan is to just keep using whole sentences myself, rephrase DS's responses for him and have him repeat them back and generally just be patient.

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This is what I've been doing. Maybe I'm just not giving it enough time.


How old is the child? It just might be a matter of time. And did you just start WWE 1? If you just started and the child is youngish, I would just keep demonstrating that pattern. I have found that eventually my kids caught on to how they were supposed to answer. I also told them, after demonstrating answering in complete sentences a few times, that they should do the same thing. They did catch on. And sometimes my 9yodd (WWE 4) will still give me incomplete sentence answers, so I just remind her to put her answer into a sentence. She knows how, because I've demonstrated so many times. She will still occasionally tell me she doesn't know how, so I will still take her incomplete answer and put it into a sentence for her, and have her repeat.

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I just start the sentence for them and they get it.

They say, " ran away."

I say, "The elf...."

They say, "The elf ran away."

We started FLL before we started WWE and so they're used to complete sentences. I think, also, all the reading we've done to them over the years has some how cemented in their mind what a sentence is. I don't know. But, they do need prompting.

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I still have to remind my dd7 occasionally. I think it is a difficult thing for them to remember though because you are asking them for an oral sentence that would look good written down. When we are just speaking we don't always answer in complete sentences. "Would you like soup for lunch?" \ "Yes." Not "Yes, I would like soup for lunch." So, remember that it just isn't natural for them to answer questions in complete sentences. Remind them that they are giving a response that could be written down and that we always write complete sentences.

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If it makes you feel better, I still have to remind my 8 yo at the beginning of our WWE3 and narration sessions (our third year of WWE and being asked to narrate in complete sentences in other subjects as well as with FLL 1 and FLL 2) to answer in complete sentences.


I need to record myself saying "Don't start a sentence with 'because' ", as I still say it several times per week.

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If it helps, my very concise 6 year old is half way through WWE1 and must still be reminded to answer in complete sentences about half the time. The skill does not come naturally to her as she is a hurry up and get it done kind of kid, so I imagine it may be into WWE2 before she does it consistently.


I stop her before she can finish an answer and make her start over with a complete sentence. If she seems stumped, I give her a suggestion for the first word or two.



I'm five weeks into WWE2 with my second-grader and he still does this. We did FLL and WWE last year as well. I remind him at the beginning of every session that I will need his answers in complete sentences. Go figure!

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We are working our way through WWE 1, and whenever I read the passage to my child and then ask the questions, all I get are 1-word answers! What tips do you have for encouraging the use of complete sentences?


When my child has not answered the first two questions with a sentence, I start prompting on the 3rd.


"Lizzy bought a....". This annoys him so much, he starts back on sentences.

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We are working our way through WWE 1, and whenever I read the passage to my child and then ask the questions, all I get are 1-word answers! What tips do you have for encouraging the use of complete sentences?


My a 9yo dd still does this, and I, like a parrot repeat, "Full sentence please." for every single question. So much fun.



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I just reminded my daughter each time before I started asking her the comprehension questions that she needed to answer in a complete sentence. She would often forget, so I would say, great answer, but I need it in a complete sentence. It amazed me how often she would forget. We're on week 3 of WWE 3 now and she rarely forgets to answer in a complete sentence at this point, but it took awhile.



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