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Movie recommendation--Temple Grandin . . .

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Our family just watched the movie Temple Grandin, starring Claire Danes. For those of you who do not know the story, it is about Dr. Temple Grandin, a professor at Colorado State University, who is also autistic. She also lectures on autism. It was excellent--one of the best movies I've seen in a long, long time!


If you are a parent--watch this movie. You will not be disappointed, I believe.


Here is Temple Grandin's website. If you check the links on the lower left-hand side of her webpage, you will see her speaking schedule.


I think Claire Danes should be nominated for an Academy Award for her portrayal of Dr. Grandin.

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:iagree: I never was much on Claire Danes as an actress until this movie. The movie itself was fabulous - the way they illustrated the way Temple thinks is amazing - but she really becomes Temple. If you hear Temple when she first started speaking (around the time of the latter part of the film) the resemblance is uncanny.


One of the best movies associated with autism I've ever seen.

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I love her books, thanks, I did not know the movie was out.


My favorite line from one of her books was something along the lines of "middle school girls turned into these strange alien creatures I didn't understand." I was cracking up so much, I had to give the book to my husband to read. He said he didn't understand middle school girls, either. (And I shared her sentiments to some degree. I am not on the spectrum, but I am an INTP.)

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I just watched it last week... it was so wonderfully heartwarming and helped me understand my spectrum son who does not like to be touched or hugged. Sometimes I ask him to sit on my lap and let me hug him and he tolerates it a little, but I have compassion for him and don't make him let me hug him... now I understand him a bit more. I think sometimes he doesn't understand how he is different and I haven't used the words autism or aspergers with him and he is 11 and recently we sat down and I talked about his sensory integration disorder and how his brain is different in the way it deals with the senses... it was a little upsetting to him that he has a different brain in that way and that it cannot be fixed, but I think it did more good than harm because he now understood why he rocks a lot and paces and "thumps" at bedtime... I am thinking about having him watch the movie with me and observing how he interracts with the info and see if he makes any connections... what do you think?

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We caught some of the movie on TV around the time that our troop had to actively face up to how we were failing to deal adequately with a scout with Asperger's. I had all my kids watch it, but particularly the older two who are boy scouts. I've referred back to it a couple times to remind them that the way they see the world isn't the way their fellow scout sees the world. Things that they take in stride can be major annoyances or causes of real fear and frustration to him.


I should probably see if I can get some of teh books to read. I'm reading Quirky Yes Hopeless No at the moment (on the recommendation of one of the WTM board folks) and my middle son has been reading it. He said that he sees why the AS scout and the Scoutmaster tend to come into conflict because they see the world so differently.

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