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can you tell me about the Saturn Ion?


no sweetie, you not on Saturn, you and I on Earth :patriot:


My husband is a Genius!


Oh my! I see Dad has been sneaking onto Mommy's computer too. :w00t:






Q. for Artisan Bread Makers


X for everybody else! :glare:



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Summer Math


1 picnic basket + 2 ice cream cones


10 mosquitos + 3 bumble bees


4 ounces of sunscreen - 1 sunburn


1 yard of green grass + 4 rose bushes


You could go on and on!


Fall Math, now that's a whole 'nother pumpkin!

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Do you cater to your child's food preferences?


Nah, I don't do catering. I throw whatever I cook at them and it's up to them to catch it in their mouths. No fancy shmancy caterers here.

Edited by Ibbygirl
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Why are atheist and agnostic considered the same in recent threads?


"One of these things is not like the others,

One of these things just doesn't belong,

Can you tell which thing is not like the others

By the time I finish my song?


Did you guess which thing was not like the others?

Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?

If you guessed this one is not like the others,

Then you're absolutely...right! "

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Type then delete


Type then delete Type then delete Type then delete Type then delete Type then delete Type then delete Type then delete Type then delete Type then delete Type then delete Type then delete


I thought you were good at following directions until I quoted your post. :tongue_smilie:

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I was good. I typed it, then used White-out! ;) :thumbup: hehe


Ahh, but it showed up in black and white in the text box when I quoted you--CAUGHT!! :lol: And how in the world did you get white-out to stick to your computer??


Besides, the correct response to that one would be:


then delete


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Ahh, but it showed up in black and white in the text box when I quoted you--CAUGHT!! :lol: And how in the world did you get white-out to stick to your computer??


Besides, the correct response to that one would be:


then delete



Ah you're right! Doh!! I'm going to fix it right now! hehehe You'll have to re-quote my post! ;) :tongue_smilie:

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heard trashmen yell "WOW" at all my trash


'round these parts we refer to it as "junk in the trunk", but hey. . .to each their own. there ain't nuttin' so flattering as guys yelpling at you from the street. . .congratulations. . .I know you must be thrilled! :D

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The King's Speech -- would you take your teens?


F**k, yeah!


*choke* You gotta give a girl some warning before you post something like that! Thank God I wasn't drinking milk! It would have shot clean out my nose!! :lol:


heard trashmen yell "WOW" at all my trash


'round these parts we refer to it as "junk in the trunk", but hey. . .to each their own. there ain't nuttin' so flattering as guys yelpling at you from the street. . .congratulations. . .I know you must be thrilled! :D


Lots of new voices here lately...


You hear them too? Whoa, that's a relief!!


Why can't I log out?


Welcome to the WTM Forum, where we uphold the policies of Hotel California. . .


you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. :scared:


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: These were great! hehehe

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