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It's frustrating and scary (grocery shopping)

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My DS was diagnosed with a mild peanut allergy when he was less than 2 years old. We always carried an epi-pen, as he was severely allergic to eggs. (And mildly allergic to sunflower and dairy.)

He outgrew his egg and dairy allergies around age 5.

Fast forward to present.

We had assumed he had outgrown the mild peanut allergy because he had never, ever had a reaction all this time. And we quit carrying an epi-pen when DS was cleared on the egg allergy.

DS had a severe allergic reaction this summer. To what??? I had been eating peanuts and had handed him a napkin right before he broke out. Our allergist said his initial peanut allergies were so mild it couldn't have been that... But she tested him anyway.

Yeah. DS is now classified as severely allergic to peanuts - anaphylactic by contact. :001_huh:

Allergist said the only reason he hasn't had a reaction sooner is that I am border-line paranoid and wipe everything down. :tongue_smilie:

So - I feel your pain. I haven't taken DS to the grocery store since we found out, nor have I allowed him to go over to friends' houses. I know I need to get a grip on this, but it's still too fresh in my mind. (And - obviously - I quit eating peanuts!!)

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My son has a severe peanut allergy and reacts with contact. It can be very scary. I can't imagine the milk allergy at the grocery store! We carry the epi-pen and Benadryl everywhere. Our allergy doctor said that my son's allergy has actually gotten worse. Thank goodness we homeschool.

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I know that has to be tough. I have one with asthma and have to carry an inhaler for him 24/7. I can't imagine have one with a life-threatening contact dairy/peanut allergy. I'm glad stores are keeping those sanitizing wipes near the shopping carts now. I had never considered how useful they could be for allergic individuals.

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It must be very frustrating having to be so careful for and with your child.

I'm sure most of us who don't deal with allergies never give a thought to these things.



I have been aware of peanut allergies for a number of years. I make sure my boys know that we eat peanuts and peanut butter at home only so we don't contaminate anything when we're out.

But milk?! I never realized it could be so harmful.


:grouphug: (((michele)))

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I never really thought about milk and I am a mom of a DS with allergies to eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, mangoes, and newly diagnosed fish. He ended up in the ER a month ago after eating fish for dinner and having an anaphylactic reaction requiring his epipen for the first time.


But I will be conscious of this from now on. Since my DD only has a mild allergy to milk (gets diarrhea), I don't associate it with the same risks of a peanut allergy (epipen level).

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