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holy dinah! it's a break through

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So today I gave Hunter his first dose of his ADHD meds. We sat down adn did a 30 minute reading lesson (it lasted 30 minutes because he kept begging for more). This kid can not normally sit still for 5 seconds, 30 minutes is insane to me. He breezed through 5 lessons in OPGTR and read me his first 2 Bob books by himself. This is the kid that could not make the connection between letter sounds and the actual letter because he could not focus long enough to actually think about it kwim. He is so proud of himself today with what he could do. He kept saying he would never learn to read and felt very badly about that. In that 30 minutes this morning he changed that attitude 100%. He wanted to keep the lesson going even longer because hewas so confident in himself but it was time to leave for their day camp. We are officially starting up school again on Monday but I think I will continue doing a reading lesson each morning before camp this week shortly after giving him his meds. I knew the ADHD was interferring with his learning but given the history my older 2 have with meds had hped we could find some other strategies but the tiem came to use the meds. He is only on a tiny dose in the morning (1/2 a tab) of dexadrine(sp?) which is not one we have experience with, but I am hoping it will be enough to get us over the struggles with his learning. I do not feel he needs it for the afternoon because right now that is just play time, but if/when his studies take him into the afternoon he will have another 1/2 tab at lunch time.


Fingers crossed tomorrow's reading lesson goes just as successfully.

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That's great!


My oldest daughter had ADD which caused a lot of problems in the classroom- she had learning disabilities and developmental delays, too, but I mean, she just couldn't sit still. She'd rip up papers, get up and walk away from her desk, sometimes right out of the classroom, couldn't focus, etc.


I was reluctant to try meds at first but the school was REALLY recommending it.


So in the end, I did. And this was back in like first grade, I think.


We tried a few different ones. First Ritalin, then Adderol, then Concerta. The first two really affected her appetite and she was so skinny, though both DID help with her attention span and focus and so on. I mean, really helped. She focused better, which made her get in trouble less, which made her happier overall, which made me happier overall, etc. I don't regret having medicated her at a time when it was just necessary. And to me, it was.


Concerta was the best in regard to having the fewest side effects- she still didn't have much of an appetite, especially at lunch (she'd then be starving at dinner), but other than that, no side effects.


She did well on it. And she basically spent from age 6 to age 17 on ADD meds.


When she was 17, I asked her pediatrician what he thought about taking her off them and seeing how she'd do since she was so much older than she'd been when first diagnosed as a young child. He agreed it was worth a try.


She came off them, and the teacher in her special needs class said there were only very minor issues in regard to change in behavior once she came off them- and even those did resolve after a short adjustment period. She's been off the meds since (she's 18 1/2 now). And she's fine at home. With her behavior, her attention span, etc. So I think at least some kids just outgrow their ADD! And she's no longer so ridiculously skinny, either. :D

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Isn't that just the BEST feeling???


For Hunter too. :)


It's like the lifting of a huge weight when you take the meds for the first time and realize you're not lazy or stupid but that, with a tiny bit of help, you're every bit as smart and capable as everyone else.


Congrats to you and Hunter! :D

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