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DS' LLMD Appointment today at 2pm........

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good thoughts if you think of us.


I spent two hours filling out a stack of attachments that the doc's office emailed to me on Friday - the stack must be an inch high. Thankfully, when one is talking about an otherwise amazingly healthy 9 year old child, it is only the volume of paper work that makes the task time consuming.


I have to run and get a couple of the pages notarized, drop the girls off at a friend's house, and then we are on our way to the appointment.


I have a photo of Stephanie (BikeBookBread), me and some of our dc on my camera AND I do have the cable........I will get it posted this evening. It was so nice to meet her and her beautiful little girls. The performance we all went to see was just wonderful -- we are still talking about it at our house.


Wishing everyone a fantastic first day of school if this is your first day, and if it isn't, wishing you a fantastic day of not doing school. We are seriously thinking here that we will not be starting till after Labor Day -- I absolutely need the time to get things finalized, figure out 'where' we will have school, purchase the curric we still do not have, and put tweaks on what I think we will be doing.........oh, and dd11 will be doing an IEW class and all three will be doing a co-op one day a week.


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I'm new here - just started HSing last year, and have just started posting here... (took me awhile to post, rather than just read)...


But wanted to say have a great appt!


I'm in NoVa, too, and I love, love, love my LLMD! We have such great LLMDs here - I know whoever you are seeing will be wonderful, and thorough.


Wishing good health for your little one, and a quick trip through the Lyme labyrinth if at all possible.




P.S... my screen name comes from ... Lemon water with a twist of Lyme... :)

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Mariann - praying for a good appointment with the Dr. for your son. Really? You have to notarize health history papers?:blink:


We might not start til labor day too. I'm not decided yet.


I'm new here - just started HSing last year, and have just started posting here... (took me awhile to post, rather than just read)...


But wanted to say have a great appt!


I'm in NoVa, too, and I love, love, love my LLMD! We have such great LLMDs here - I know whoever you are seeing will be wonderful, and thorough.


Wishing good health for your little one, and a quick trip through the Lyme labyrinth if at all possible.




P.S... my screen name comes from ... Lemon water with a twist of Lyme... :)


We are tired, but finally home. Good doctor's visit. DS is now taking two anitbiotics. He will have more blood work done in two weeks and we see the doc again in three weeks.


The computers at CVS crashed just as one of our prescriptions was entered, and from there the entire prescription experience deteriorated into a 3 hour ordeal......going to another CVS, and then finally to Giant - and their pharmacist was superb, efficient and I think I shall go there from now on.


My NOI was express mailed today (it will arrive tomorrow - a couple of days late), I think I have plugges up the holes in my curric choices, and we definitely will not start till after Labor Day.


Wishing everyone a good evening -- I am exhausted. DS is very, very tired and I can see that he really has had the starch taken out of him.

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We are tired, but finally home. Good doctor's visit. DS is now taking two anitbiotics. He will have more blood work done in two weeks and we see the doc again in three weeks.


The computers at CVS crashed just as one of our prescriptions was entered, and from there the entire prescription experience deteriorated into a 3 hour ordeal......going to another CVS, and then finally to Giant - and their pharmacist was superb, efficient and I think I shall go there from now on.


My NOI was express mailed today (it will arrive tomorrow - a couple of days late), I think I have plugges up the holes in my curric choices, and we definitely will not start till after Labor Day.


Wishing everyone a good evening -- I am exhausted. DS is very, very tired and I can see that he really has had the starch taken out of him.

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Hugs to all of you!!!


I'm so glad that you got in and had a good appointment. Sorry about the computer crash at CVS.

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We are tired, but finally home. Good doctor's visit. DS is now taking two anitbiotics. He will have more blood work done in two weeks and we see the doc again in three weeks.


The computers at CVS crashed just as one of our prescriptions was entered, and from there the entire prescription experience deteriorated into a 3 hour ordeal......going to another CVS, and then finally to Giant - and their pharmacist was superb, efficient and I think I shall go there from now on.


My NOI was express mailed today (it will arrive tomorrow - a couple of days late), I think I have plugges up the holes in my curric choices, and we definitely will not start till after Labor Day.


Wishing everyone a good evening -- I am exhausted. DS is very, very tired and I can see that he really has had the starch taken out of him.


I'm so sorry!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Hugs to all of you!!!


I'm so glad that you got in and had a good appointment. Sorry about the computer crash at CVS.


I'm so sorry!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


:grouphug: What a nightmare with the prescriptions!


Get plenty of rest. I'm glad that he had a good appointment.


Glad to hear your son now has a doctor who will treat the Lyme aggressively. I'm hoping that it won't be long & he'll be well again.


-From another someone who knows way more about Lyme than any layperson should have to know.





Thank you all - he and I slept for 12 hours!!!!!!!


And in red above: I SO hear you!

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