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Do mosquito bites turn into hives or did I get bit by something else?

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I have huge, non-circular hives on my legs & ankles after being at an outside party at night. I never remember being bit, but mosquito bites usually itch me like mad and last for 10 to 14 days for me. I have about 2 dozen regular mosquito bites (10 days old) that have finally stopped itching.


Is it possible to rip chunks of your own flesh out with your finger nails?!? Cuz that's what I feel like doing.




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Where do you live? I'm in Georgia, and if I go out at night without loads of DEET I get gnat bites. You don't even notice that you're getting bitten at the time, but later... BLEAH! Mine get big and splotchy and much bigger than mosquito bites. They itch like crazy (much worse than mosquito bites). Our pharmacist said to do a 50/50 mix of benadryl cream and antibiotic cream.

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Where do you live? I'm in Georgia, and if I go out at night without loads of DEET I get gnat bites. You don't even notice that you're getting bitten at the time, but later... BLEAH! Mine get big and splotchy and much bigger than mosquito bites. They itch like crazy (much worse than mosquito bites). Our pharmacist said to do a 50/50 mix of benadryl cream and antibiotic cream.


a suburb of bflo


I used off both times but it didn't do much if anything.


It sounds like we have similar reactions. :grouphug:

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My dd has extreme reactions to mosquitoes that sound like what you're experiencing. The bite areas become very large (regularly 1/2 dollar or larger size), swollen, and hot. No, they are not perfectly round. We've tried just about every kind of repellant and OTC itch cream available. Repellants just don't seem to work for her. After Bite cream for Kids, tea tree oil, and lavender oil have provided the best luck for her with topical itch relief. When she gets lots of bites like what you're describing, though, I will break out the benadryl in addition to a topical relief option.

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Some people are actually allergic to mosquito bites and allergies can develop at any time:( My ds is allergic and he gets half dollar size red areas around the bites. His allergist recommended taking zrytec 10 mg po when you know that you are going to be in high risk situation. Of course, I would use some sort of repellent as well. His doctor said that rarely some even get anaphylaxis from mosquito bites.

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