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Is there any such thing as a "natural" or more healthy meal replacement shake?

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I am needing to lose weight (again). Like 100 lbs. BUT, I'm just concentrating on a pound at a time. I get too overwhelmed if I think about the entire amount. I'm already exercising 5 times a week and I'm going to add weight lifting 3x week. I'm also going to nix all packaged foods and sweets (my weakness) and concentrate on whole foods. AND, I've got a weight loss buddy in my SIL.


So, I feel I'm set except for lunch. I don't like lunch type foods and we often don't have leftovers anymore. I'm thinking about some type of meal replacement shake. But, I'd like something a little more natural and healthy than a Slim Fast. Is there anything like that out there?

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I just wanted to put in another plug for fruit smoothies. My husband makes them and adds avocado, which makes it creamier and adds lots of nutrients, including protein (I had no idea until I looked it up just now). Now, I myself don't drink these :D, but my husband has been losing weight like crazy working out and drinking smoothies with avocado added. He also adds protein powder, but I don't know how natural that is. Here's more avocado info:



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I'll just add another vote for homemade smoothies. I would do frozen fruit (berries mostly), fresh spinach, some plain low-fat yogurt or kefir, and a couple of tablespoons of flax seed meal. Add any fresh fruit you have around (I often cut up a large bowl of fruit to serve with dinner, so I'd throw that in as well). Using whatever is on hand helps keep things varied and interesting. I sometimes throw in fresh herbs (mint or basil) as well.

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But, I'd like something a little more natural and healthy than a Slim Fast. Is there anything like that out there?


If you have a Whole Foods or other natural foods store in your area, you'll find plenty of options. Our Whole Foods has at least 10 different varieties of natural meal replacement drinks/shakes.


Good luck with your weight loss goals! :)

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I like this one:



No artificial colors or sweeteners, it has amino acids. For the past few weeks I've been having one for breakfast and it holds me over for about 3 hours.


I currently drink chocolate flavor with milk. If you get vanilla you can add frozen fruit and blend it. I like this brand because it mixes up easily with a drink shaker. Vitacost also makes a similar protein, or you can pick up a product called "Show Me The Whey" at Sprouts/Henry's/Sunflower markets.


I also like green smoothies but you have to watch the sugar if your trying to lose weight. I'll use a few strawberries, blueberries and an orange and then blend that with frozen spinach or kale.


Good luck!

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