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Deciding on a school name:


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My girls and I want to name our homeschool but we are kinda at a loss. We live on Railroad Ave so we thought about Railroad Classical School. We also live near Corsica River (about a 1/2 mile or so, we are not on the water). We thought about Corsica Classical School too. I don't really want anything cutesy. I want something they can grow up with. Any ideas? Can you use the term Academy in elementary school? :tongue_smilie:

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My girls and I want to name our homeschool but we are kinda at a loss. We live on Railroad Ave so we thought about Railroad Classical School. We also live near Corsica River (about a 1/2 mile or so, we are not on the water). We thought about Corsica Classical School too. I don't really want anything cutesy. I want something they can grow up with. Any ideas? Can you use the term Academy in elementary school? :tongue_smilie:


How about Corsica Classical Academy?

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My girls and I want to name our homeschool but we are kinda at a loss. We live on Railroad Ave so we thought about Railroad Classical School. We also live near Corsica River (about a 1/2 mile or so, we are not on the water). We thought about Corsica Classical School too. I don't really want anything cutesy. I want something they can grow up with. Any ideas? Can you use the term Academy in elementary school? :tongue_smilie:


Ha ha, we do! However, we don't have to report to anyone so I don't know the "rules" if you actually needed to name your school.


My only concern about naming things in relation to where you live is if you ended up moving down the road. That being said, I really like both of your names. :) Railroad makes me think more old-fashioned (old schoolhouse in the woods) and Corsica sounds more modern. I like Corsica Classical Academy.

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Think about what name you would like to see on their high school diplomas.


I don't think I would choose Railroad anything. It makes me think of Thomas the Tank Engine, or of a training school for railroad workers.


I agree Corsica Classical Academy (or even just Corsica Academy, if you think there are too many C's together in Corsica Classical) would sound good, even if you later move far from Corsica River.

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My girls and I want to name our homeschool but we are kinda at a loss. We live on Railroad Ave so we thought about Railroad Classical School. We also live near Corsica River (about a 1/2 mile or so, we are not on the water). We thought about Corsica Classical School too. I don't really want anything cutesy. I want something they can grow up with. Any ideas? Can you use the term Academy in elementary school? :tongue_smilie:



How about A.L.L Classical Academy? (Or A.L.L. Girls Classical Academy) I am sure you can guess how I got that! ;)


You only have girls, right? Are you planning more kids? If not, How about the Corsica Girls Preparatory Academy? Or Corsica Girls Classical Academy?


Yes you can use Academy in elementary school, because you are a one room school house that teaches k-12 :D

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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We ended up naming our school "Lastname Homeschool," simply because that's how many competition organizations wanted homeschoolers listed. It made things much simpler, and avoided ending up with forms marked (e.g.) "Our Lady Queen of Classical Studies Academy/ (Homeschool)/ Lastname Family."

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Thanks everybody for your input. Yeah, I was sorta thinking the same thing about the railroad name.


How about A.L.L Classical Academy? (Or A.L.L. Girls Classical Academy) I am sure you can guess how I got that! ;)


You only have girls, right? Are you planning more kids? If not, How about the Corsica Girls Preparatory Academy? Or Corsica Girls Classical Academy?


Yes you can use Academy in elementary school, because you are a one room school house that teaches k-12 :D


:lol:I like this one. We are planning to have at least one more kid though. I like Corsica Preparatory Academy but I get tongue twisted saying "preparatory". LOL I think we may just go with Corsica Classical Academy for now. I don't have to do this for anybody (state, etc.) we just thought it would be fun. Thanks for indulging me :D

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You could always shorten Preparatory to "Prep." Our school is called Bent Grass Preparatory School, but we just call it Bent Grass Prep. Our last name means "bent grass meadow," but I didn't want anything with meadow in it (too cutesy IMO), so I just went with Bent Grass. You could always look up what your last name means and see if you like that. I do however like Cosica Prep School (Prep and Academy don't really go together) or Corsica Classical Prep School.

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You could always shorten Preparatory to "Prep." Our school is called Bent Grass Preparatory School, but we just call it Bent Grass Prep. Our last name means "bent grass meadow," but I didn't want anything with meadow in it (too cutesy IMO), so I just went with Bent Grass. You could always look up what your last name means and see if you like that. I do however like Cosica Prep School (Prep and Academy don't really go together) or Corsica Classical Prep School.


:lol:It means "Ruler of the World". I love your name by the way.

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Corsica Crossing (implies railroad ... although it sounds a little soap opera-ish!)


To me this sounds like the name of a strip mall. :tongue_smilie:


I do however like Cosica Prep School (Prep and Academy don't really go together) or Corsica Classical Prep School.


:001_huh: Ds1 goes to a school that is a Prep(aratory) Academy. I never thought they didn't go together because that's always been the name of the school.



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Hi, When I was thinking about a school name I wanted to use the abbreviation (first letters of words). My husband wanted the "Veritas Homeschool" name but I was against it. I also have funny feelings calling my homeschool "Academy" so I went through several names and found one I am comfortable with. As a result of my pros and contras, our school name is SMILE (School of Mathematical Intellectuality and Linguistic Excellence). I put our school name on report cards twice per year for my daughter to bring to the Credit Union which reward her for every "A" she has earned.

Edited by SneguochkaL
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To the OP, I like Corsica Classical Academy.


Ours is simpl. Ds chose it when we first explained homeschooling tohim (he was around 4), though due to having used a charter school the first few years, this will be the first year I actually file with it.


OakLeaf School. We thought about Academy, but school sounded right for us!

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I agree with the others about Corsica Classical Academy! Sounds good.


Our K-8 homeschool name is Burr Oak Story School, because we add WTM to Sonlight for those years. We love to read our zillion Sonlight books under the giant burr oak in the backyard.


Our high school homeschool name is James Wisdom School, based on a Bible passage on the definition of true wisdom.

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We need a name too. I like the idea of using last-name meaning. Ours is : dweller in, or near the `hatch-lea' or the gate of the meadow; dweller near Ache's meadow. My maiden name has Rose in it. Does Rose Gate Meadow sound silly?


Yeah, if you have a boy though, it sounds kind of girly. :D You could use:


Meadow Gate School

Meadow Gate Prep

Meadow Gate Academy (though I'm personally against Academy unless it's for high school)


Rose Gate School (Prep or Academy)


Meadow Dweller School (Prep or Academy)


Hatch-Lea School (Prep or Academy)


Ache's School (Prep or Academy)


Grassland Gate School (Prep or Academy) Grassland being another word for meadow


Of all those I like Meadow Gate Prep School the best. I think that's a great name for a school. If you hs through high school, then you can change it to Meadow Gate Academy. Doesn't that sound fancy? ;)

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I've been trying to come up with a name forever and have been totally stuck! I love the idea of using the last name translation. Our last name translates to Heart Hill. Anyone have any ideas? We also live at the corner of Deer Valley and Deer Meadow :) I'd be most appreciative of ideas.



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Guest Dulcimeramy
I've been trying to come up with a name forever and have been totally stuck! I love the idea of using the last name translation. Our last name translates to Heart Hill. Anyone have any ideas? We also live at the corner of Deer Valley and Deer Meadow :) I'd be most appreciative of ideas.




Hart Hill Grammar School

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