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My kids like each other.

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The oldest is in college and the youngest is still a preschooler (seen here together), but, when they are all five of them together they pile up and wrestle and laugh and bop each other with foam weapons. The happiness between them amazes me. I love to look at them playing with each other. I feel good knowing that this family unit exists independently of me and my partner, that they'll stick close by each other and support each other after we're gone. Brotherhood is grand.


Are your kids close? What do you like the most about the way they interact with each other? Were you expecting them to get along? What do you think helped it happen?

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
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My kids are the best of friends. They are really close in age, and I think that has helped. The oldest two are 13 months apart and my youngest is 2 years younger than the middle. I'm an only child, so it makes me especially happy to see how much they love eachother and what good friends they are. It gives me peace to know that they will always have eachother.

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:001_smile: Sweetness!


My kids are close. They do many things together (at the moment they're out drawing a mushroom army on the sidewalk - please don't ask me why because I don't know) but I enjoy watching them read. They're always reading bits of their books aloud to each other, which of course leads to conversation, which of course leads to more books being pulled off the shelves. It's a simple thing, but I love it.


I didn't expect them to get along because of the age/gender difference; my brother and I fought constantly, and we're still a little prickly around each other. I'm not sure what exactly helped them have such a good relationship, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that homeschooling hasn't hurt!

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That is a sweet picture! :001_wub:


I'm thankful that my two are fairly close. They fight like cats & dogs some days, but most of the time they like to be together and play together. DS reads to DD, they share a bedroom and I'm usually telling them to stop laughing so much late at night. I feel like a grinch when I'm barking out, "No laughing! Go to sleep!" at night.

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Mine are 4 years apart and different genders, so I anticipated some fighting. Most days are pretty good. My little guy is sweet and usually compliant, and my girl is bossy but loving. So mostly as long as he does what she says, they're good. :D I'm surprised because my brother and I fought to the death almost as kids and don't speak as adults. It's one of my great regrets but I'm glad to see my kids are not following in those footsteps!


And I agree, homeschooling helps. They are together more, so more opportunities for fighting. But back when dd was in ps, he and the rest of the family only got her exhausted, burt-out side when she was home from school. So this is better.

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Depends on the day. Last week the kids had VBS and were in different classrooms. They fought the entire time they were home. The more they're together, the less they fight.


I see this too. I was always told that it's the constant togetherness that makes kids fight, but when my children have a lot of playdates, they dislike each other more.

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My girls are definitely the best of friends. That doesn't mean that they don't bicker but it is pretty rare. I absolutely love to hear them playing and talking with each other. It is one of my greatest joys. After having dd8 and I got pregnant with dd6, I prayed for her to be a girl. I am extremely close to my sister and I wanted the same for them.

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My girls have the typical sibling love/hate relationship. One minute they are playing all together very peacefully and the next, they are screaming and crying. Some whole days they get along beautifully. I really work hard to foster a great relationship between them. I get along with my siblings really well. Actually, my brother who is three years younger than me, is one of my very best friends.


BTW, love the pic!!!

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Isn't it a wonderful thing to see. My girls - all 5 of them - are extremely close. My oldest two are the very best of friends. The younger love the older ones. It really does my heart good to see this since I'm not particularly close to my sister. And I do credit homeschooling for it.

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Depends on the day. Last week the kids had VBS and were in different classrooms. They fought the entire time they were home. The more they're together, the less they fight.


I see this too. I was always told that it's the constant togetherness that makes kids fight, but when my children have a lot of playdates, they dislike each other more.


Same with my girls!

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