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Have we had a Boy Scout Camp update thread?

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DS was at BSA camp last week. He was there Sun through Fri night (we had to pick him up a day early due to the 4H fair on Sat).


We found out tonight that DS completed 4 merit badges and 1 activity badge. He really enjoyed his time at camp. His only complaint - he was yelled at for capsizing his kayak and canoe too many times. Evidently he was doing it on purpose because he enjoyed uprighting the boats.:glare:

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That is fantastic that he became a pro at uprighting the boats!

Our guy is away this week and WOW do we miss him. It is actually quiet here even with 6 other kids.

Last year was his first year and big brother was there. This year he went "alone."

Congratulations to your son!

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OK, thats really funny, because my ds was at BSC last month, his first time, on Catalina Island. His dad went with him, he is mildly SPD, HATES cold water, and the water out there is cooooooooolllllllllld. He was in the process of getting his canoeing merit badge, but he did NOT want to capsize the canoe and get in that water. The kid in the canoe with him was getting mad at him, and his dad was on the shore yelling at him "GET IN THE WATER!!!!!" He finally did what he had to do....sigh. Just funny.....our kids got yelled at for opposite things :).

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OK, thats really funny, because my ds was at BSC last month, his first time, on Catalina Island. His dad went with him, he is mildly SPD, HATES cold water, and the water out there is cooooooooolllllllllld. He was in the process of getting his canoeing merit badge, but he did NOT want to capsize the canoe and get in that water. The kid in the canoe with him was getting mad at him, and his dad was on the shore yelling at him "GET IN THE WATER!!!!!" He finally did what he had to do....sigh. Just funny.....our kids got yelled at for opposite things :).


That is funny. It's a good thing they weren't boating partners, 'eh?

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DS was at BSA camp last week. He was there Sun through Fri night (we had to pick him up a day early due to the 4H fair on Sat).


We found out tonight that DS completed 4 merit badges and 1 activity badge. He really enjoyed his time at camp. His only complaint - he was yelled at for capsizing his kayak and canoe too many times. Evidently he was doing it on purpose because he enjoyed uprighting the boats.:glare:


Older two were at BSA camp in June. Younger made Tenderfoot. Oldest completed a couple badges and was ready for a Star board when he came home (yeah, finally).


Then the older one is headed to a week of Scout Association of Japan Nippon Jamboree. A week of camping not far from Mt. Fuji with thousands of Japanese scouts and scouts from all over the world. I am so excited for him.

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Our oldest son did not attend camp this year, as he is supposed to be finishing up merit badges for Eagle.

However - last year, he went to a High Adventure camp - a Viking encampment. That was his best summer ever - cooking foods that would have been (as close to authentic) Viking meals, learning warfare techniques, even sailing on a replica of a Viking ship. The staff dressed in Viking type clothing and there was Viking folklore and stories every night around the campfire.

All that to say - if your Scouts have an opportunity to do something like this, I would highly recommend it!

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My two sons (and their dad - asst. scoutmaster) went to camp in northern AL the last week of June - had a wonderful time. I highly reccomend Camp Sequoyah for anyone nearby. Both earned 4 merit badges, and the camp was run VERY well.


Now - my two sons (and their dad) are up at National Jamboree. They left last Wed, toured DC for two days, checked in to the Jamboree yesterday. My husband is working as staff at the waterfront...

On the way home they are going white water rafting, and going to Kings Dominion theme park.


I'm home cleaning house and organizing our school room, and taking care of not only our dogs, but the neighbors...:tongue_smilie:


All I can say is - I wish I could have done that kind of stuff as a kid!

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Now - my two sons (and their dad) are up at National Jamboree. They left last Wed, toured DC for two days, checked in to the Jamboree yesterday. My husband is working as staff at the waterfront...

On the way home they are going white water rafting, and going to Kings Dominion theme park.


All I can say is - I wish I could have done that kind of stuff as a kid!


That is awesome. I hope to be able to send DS to Jamboree in 3 years.


And I completely understand about wishing! There are days I wish I were the dad so I could go, too.

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My 12yo went to camp for the first time a few weeks ago. He earned his swimming, leatherworking, woodworking, and rifling badge. He did most of the work for his Cooking badge as well.


With the cooking requirements he did, he is so close to Second Class and then very quickly thereafter he'll get first class (he has most of those requirements done as well.) The next rank will take a little longer as he has to get more merit badges, but he hopes to be a Life Scout after camp next year. He hopes to get his Eagle by 15 so he'll have plenty of time to earn palms.


We're not rushing it, however - dh was 17 when he earned his.

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My 12yo went to camp for the first time a few weeks ago. He earned his swimming, leatherworking, woodworking, and rifling badge. He did most of the work for his Cooking badge as well.


With the cooking requirements he did, he is so close to Second Class and then very quickly thereafter he'll get first class (he has most of those requirements done as well.) The next rank will take a little longer as he has to get more merit badges, but he hopes to be a Life Scout after camp next year. He hopes to get his Eagle by 15 so he'll have plenty of time to earn palms.


We're not rushing it, however - dh was 17 when he earned his.


Palms are what my DS wants to earn, too. He has completed enough merit badges to earn two palms but he needs to earn Life and Eagle first. :001_smile: DS has set a goal to earn 53 merit badges. He has earned 30 so far.

He will be sitting for his Life Scout Board of Review in a few weeks so hopefully he will pass and be moving onto his Eagle project.


Good luck to your DS on his advancement!

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Tell all your sons "good job!" for me! My youngest ds spent a week at Scout camp last month and came home with most of the waterfront merit badges; that doesn't seem like much, but he hasn't had the strength and stamina to do them until now. (Puberty does wonderful things to a boy's body -- along with the yucky stuff, too!:) ) He was gone last week at the same camp as a Counselor in Training, and wants to work there next summer full-time. Now if we can only get that Eagle project done!:glare:

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Wow and wow! Congrats to your DS!


I am proud of him, too! He worked very hard and did not have a lot of free time. But that's not a bad thing for a boy his age. ;)


I enjoy seeing the various places WTM boys have gone to camp. This year for my ds was in the landlocked Midwest. Next year we are aiming for Boundary Waters - that should be great fun.

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My ds12 went on a boy scout camp while he was in Canada( they just came home last week).

He cut his leg pretty bad and had to have 23 stitches. In fact the only things I have heard about the camp( apart from my ds winning for his group all the shooting and archery trophies) was how many injuries there were; including 1 boy having to be helicoptered out with such a bad arm break that both bones were protruding, and over 20 kids having to see the medic.


He also came home with weird stories that the carrots in Canada (at least on the came) are machined to uniform size?? ( I am taking that one with a grain of salt) and that most people are afraid to swim because of "Beaver fever"

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Are all these camps ones that your sons went on with their troops (and signed up as a troop)?


Yes, DS's camp was a troop camp. They registered earlier this Spring. If I could find camps for him to attend without a troop I would. DS wants to go to sea base but he is the only one in his troop interested in traveling to FL so it will probably never happen.

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This isn't far from where my parents live. How exciting.


Honestly, one of the things we're most looking forward to in moving back to the US is having more scouting opportunities.

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Our ds just left today for a BSA camp in Oregon. He comes back next weekend. He sure is doing a much better job at packing compared to his first outing 3 years ago. We're hoping he makes it to Star by this fall. He's doing a 50+ mile hike later this month too. We're so proud of him for wanting to try this!


A fifty miler? That's really cool. I keep proding our scouts to do a hike. Unfortunately, it's now been so long that almost none of them have planned and executed a troop hike over 5 miles. Bit of inertia to overcome.


I can relate to the improved packing. DS's first campout he went with no water bottle, no rain gear and no coat. It rained buckets and buckets. (At least he wasn't in great need of the water bottle.) Now he can pack for a multi day camp and take most of what he needs.

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DS went to camp and earned 3 merit badges, Kodiak and earned some kind of bear claw that is important if you are an adventure and had problems at Leadership training so he came back early. For him I am not sure if it was a good experience or not.

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Our ds just left today for a BSA camp in Oregon. He comes back next weekend. He sure is doing a much better job at packing compared to his first outing 3 years ago. We're hoping he makes it to Star by this fall. He's doing a 50+ mile hike later this month too. We're so proud of him for wanting to try this!


50 miles? That is awesome. I assume it will be a weekend backpacking trip. Make sure they pack their moleskin.


DS is planning the biking merit badge for himself and 6 others in his troop. They have to complete a 50 mile bike ride. I think that is much better than a 50 mile hike.

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I hope you can speak with him about it. :(


Yes we are working on it. The original story (from the leaders) was that all the my DS was got to rough playing around. No adults saw anything they just went by want another kid said. DS admitted to hitting the boy but told the leader he had been hit all weak. The leader said he should have said something. When we got home my DS showered and I saw his back and sides covered in bruises. He had been hit several times with the kid's walking stick. DS has been told over and over again his actions were wrong. He should have told leadership and he should not have hit the kid back. Of course he is struggling with the fact that he got in trouble and no one else did. It is a growing experience for him that is for sure.

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Anyone else have a scout at Jamboree? Ds 15 is there and from what I could gather from his one phone call home on Saturday, he's having a great time. He's working on merit badges in fly fishing, railroading & crime prevention there. The man teaching fly fishing wrote the merit badge book!


He went to Camp Daniel Boone in NC in June - a nice change from our Florida summer.

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The younger one was off to camp last week. I missed him so much that once a day I played his hilarious voice mail message.:D

Small boat sailing, communications, citizenship in nation and community, camping...

And our older scout is off to Philmont, NM tomorrow for a two week hike, carrying a 45+ pound pack. He has been sick and I hope he does okay. The doctor cleared him today.:)

Ciyates: someone else posted last month about her son getting roughed up at scout camp, or was that you?

I've never heard of that and wonder how the leaders could let that kind of stuff happen.:001_huh:

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