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Has anyone ever eaten a "Crawfish Pie"?

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What the heck is it? I've got this song stuck in my head: Jambalaya, Crawfish pie, File Gumbo, Tonight I'm gonna see my ma chera mio, Pick guitar, fill fruit jar, and be gay-o, son of a gun we'll have big fun on the Bayou...Or something like that, anyway.


Being firmly planted in the upper midwest most of my life, I've never put crawfish (we do find them in the rivers here, too, you know) into a pie.


What's it like? Is it any good?

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Have you ever eaten crawfish? Personally I think crawfish taste like how I would imagine the bottom of a muddy river to taste.


I guess some people like it though. :001_smile:


I have! They taste...sweet. I haven't eaten them since I was little though - deathly alergic to shellfish now :tongue_smilie:. But, we used to pick them from the river and, I think my Grandmother would boil them. I do remember having tasted them, but I don't believe I would have chosen to bake them in a "pie".

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I'm Cajun, but I've never seen a crawfish pie.


'Round here, we boil 'em with new potatos, corn-on-the-cob, and ALOT of seasoning (usually a mix from the grocery store labeled "crab boil"). Pull 'em out of the water and toss 'em on a table covered in newspaper, everybody have at it.


Personally, I don't eat crawfish or any kind of seafood. My grandfather sometimes wondered aloud if I was switched at the hospital. :D

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Crawfish pie is just what it sounds like - crawfish baked in a pie crust. With lots of butter, bell peppers, celery, tomatoes and seasonings. Kind of like a chicken pot pie, but better. ;)


I love crawfish - boiled, fried, in a bisque, BBQ crawfish (which is cooked in butter and lemon juice, not BBQ sauce).


I live in South Louisiana.

Edited by mom23boys
for spelling, but I can't guarantee I fixed everything. lol
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My college room mate was from New Orleans, and tried to educate me on the fine art of eating crawfish. She took me to her parent's home one time, and her Dad showed me the 'proper' way to suck the juices out of it's cooked head...:ack2: I failed that lesson LOL. If you get brave, you can try this recipe from Emeril Lagasse:


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Or you can fold the dough over and make a pie you can hold in your hand to eat, like a Natchitoches meat pie (but with crawfish)....


Kinda like a pistolette (sp). Oh, for you non-Cajuns, Nachitoches is pronounced Nak-o-dish.


To the OP. Yes, I have eaten crawfish pie (and they are crawfish, not crayfish or crawdads, tyvm!). We usually just boil crawfish like a pp said or eat it in an etouffe (a-too-fay).


WendyK- Did you have Louisiana crawfish or Chinese crawfish? Because honestly, I can taste the difference. Chinese crawfish is stringy and tastes like sewage. Louisiana crawfish tates much better! (Gotta put in a plug for my crawfish-farming relatives!)

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I've eaten crawfish pie, and I've made crawfish pie. It is like the earlier poster described, but I would say mine is a little firmer, think quiche. A bit of gruyere cheese and sherry, too. Relish!


Ditto on the Louisiana crawfish vs. imported. And fresh, never frozen. Blech.


Y'all are making me miss south Louisiana!

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Yum!!!! Crawfish pie, boiled crawfish. YUM You are making my mouth water. I am a cajun through and through and for about 5 months a year, I'm all about the crawfish. It's too bad we just finished a season up and our shrimp season went down with the oil :(

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