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How do you feel about traveling outside your country?

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I heard a lady speak once about her first trip to the US. She really had to go once she got off the plane and couldn't find the toilets. She was VERY impressed that our airports provided so many "Rest Rooms" for tired travelers though! ;) Eventually she asked...


ROFL!! Awww that's so cute! hehehehehe yeah, that's what's so great to me about traveling. You have so many new experiences and come back with great stories. :)

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I would LOVE to travel outside the U.S. So far the only place I've been is Canada. (Although we can see Mexico from the freeway when we go to southern California for our vacation.)


I want to go everywhere and anywhere in the world. I'm extremely interested in seeing how people live.



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(Although we can see Mexico from the freeway when we go to southern California for our vacation.)

LOL When I first started reading that sentence my brain rushed ahead and I thought it was going to say "we can see Mexico from our house." :p hehe

I want to go everywhere and anywhere in the world. I'm extremely interested in seeing how people live.




Me too! The world is a fascinating place. :)

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There are so many places that, in theory, I would love to visit but I am severely claustrophobic and planes are the absolute worst. I LOATHE flying. That fear seems to be compounded after 9/11 as well. So, some of the places I would love to visit will probably have to wait until the day I can afford transatlantic boat passage or I will settle for anywhere I can get via car/train.


Our next planned vacation, hopefully in 2012, will be to Disneyworld. My daughters want to go so badly.

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Prior to going to Italy last year by virtue of force from my mother;), I had not much interest in traveling overseas especially after 9/11. I did go to England in highschool over 30 years ago prior to that which I enjoyed. Now I feel like I would enjoy traveling again overseas only to countries in which I would feel safe such as European countries. I am glad that my mother more or less forced us to go. I still have a desire to see all of the 50 states as well.

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:lol: It's always so weird to see an old thread of mine resurrected. When I saw it, I freaked for a minute because I don't remember posting it! I worried someone hacked into my account. But I don't remember much from 3 years ago so that's okay.


FWIW, I still feel the same about traveling. :tongue_smilie:

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I love being overseas, there is so much to see and learn, it can be (has been) the experience of a lifetime.


Nevertheless I am always reminded and I take great comfort in the fact that the US is there and that I am one of those most fortunate, a citizen of the US.


Among the myriad of things that I have learned, while overseas, is how lucky the average American is and how sad it is that we do not always realize it.

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