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Quick - talk me into buying an iPad in the next hour!

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Dh and I have been discussing this.

I don't have an eReader, so this would give me one.

Ds just had allergy skin tests and we were told "He's allergic to everything!" and the prediction is about 3 shots twice a week for 9 weeks, then tapering off over the next 5 years :(


Ds is petrified of this.

He loves his granddad's iPad and playing games on it.


The thought is, we buy one, ds can use it to play games ONLY when waiting at the office (after shots we'll have to stay for 30 min to watch for reactions). This may be a draw for him and give him something positive out of the whole rotten mess.


We have the cash and it won't hurt us financially (this is the "mad money" we've each got squirreled away - bad news is no more mad money).


Looking at the 16 or 32 WiFi version.


Convince me to send dh out to Best Buy tonight! :auto:

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Buy the ipad. We read the newspaper, play games & read books on ours regularly. It's hard to remember what it was like before we got it. We are canceling one of our two newspaper subscriptions (at least we are trying to, they keep delivering it).


As far as games, there are many free ones and a lot of them don't cost much, either.


My husband has a virtual sky program that helps locate stars & adjusts as you walk around. Really cool tool.


Go for it!

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I am posting this with my IPAD :) I have kindle, b&n, iBooks, borders readers on mine.

We have lots of games, can surf the web etc easily. Easier on the eyes for the little ones. Not a need but a wonderful want, if you can afford it.

You can carry all the books you want, games you already love like chess, scrabble, racing, UNO etc on one very light cool device:001_smile:

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For the child, I definitely say 'go for the DS'.

But I would prefer an iPad for myself, of course ;-)


With the iPad, I could get this board on the couch, in between some read alouds without having to go to the computer and having the kids clamouring for their turn on the computer too... It would buy peace in our household. If it wasn't for the fact I just put 750$ in repairs on my 13yo car, I'd have an iPad right now. Sigh..

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Guess I meant the next half hour :)


Eeek... Dh is off. He said if we're going for an impulse purchase, be impulsive. We already have the DS and while ds (ha) enjoys it, I'm hoping the iPad can be a major distraction for the shots. (It'll belong to me and dh - and ds won't know about it for a while.)


Ah well. I'll have an eReader (assuming it's in stock) and then maybe with Project Gutenberg etc, I'll buy fewer books (yeah, right).


Thanks for the opinions... just wanted a couple more kicks along the way (man, this is a silly decision on many levels). But it should be neat.

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Definitely get the iPad.


Useful for the entire family, and MUCH cheaper in the long run than the DS when you consider the price of games. No need to carry around extra electronics if you can get everything you need (including eReader) in one.


Go for it!!!


:iagree: We get a ton of use out of our Ipad. Dh has to bring me to numerous dr appointments throughout the month---it give 10 yo ds something to do while he waits with his Pa...He can chose from multiple options with the Ipad--go on the internet, play a game, read, etc.. I like that all that ds has to remember is the Ipad and not various other plugins, games, books, etc...He uses the Ipad much more than he plays with his DS.

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Yes, this is a direct quote from my 8yo dd!


We've had the Ipad since the first of June and the WHOLE family loves it!


I bought a this cover on Amazon.. had to wait 2 weeks for it to come in--but it is a GREAT cover/protector. Mine is red! (easy to spot if someone leaves it on the couch...


One of my dds is having a surgical procedure on Friday morning--I'll be on the I-pad for sure while I wait!


Youngest dd uses it in the car, oldest dd streams Netflix, middle dd plays games, I read (8yo dd and I are almost finished with Anne of Green Gables --FREE!!) play games, e-mail, surf the net--AND use it for bookkeeping for my online Math class business (the Numbers app is GREAT). Poor Hubby tries to get a turn...

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