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Bibles, Bible Story Book


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Tried this in General and got nothin! Anyone here?


Just read a thread about loving MFW curriculum for first and second grade. This led to a blog post by someone saying she would read dd a section of the MFW Bible curriculum and have her daughter narrate it. That is what I want to start with dd next year. She will be doing half K half First grade material. BUT I don't really want to get MFW curriculum.


Can anyone recommend a Bible story book for age 6-8 ish that you love? We have "The Jesus Storybook Bible" http://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Storyboo...7853653&sr=8-1 and absoluelty love it, but need something a little more in depth to read next. Anyone used any by Macarthur? TIA

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Right now dh is reading dd Vos. For several years they used the Read n' Grow Picture Bible published by Zondervan. It has realistic pictures and text under each cell, very thorough, a definite fav around here. Also, your dc are old enough to each have their own NIrV Bible. The NIrV is an NIV taken down to a 3rd grade reading level. Even though we don't read the NIV, preferring NASB, I made a huge exception for this with my dd. The Adventurer's Bible in NIrV has large text, a sturdy cover, and reasonably realistic illustrations. (Can you tell that's an issue to us? lol) I'm actually about to get my dd an NASB for her birthday, need to get that ordered. She's spent the last 4 years reading the NIrV very profitably. Basically as soon as she could read, I put it in her hands and said she could read it every night, staying up as long as she wanted. She reads that along with a Keys for Kids devotional. Now K4K is a bit, um, contemporary in topics and dealings sometimes, touching on things homeschool kids don't necessarily see, but the price is right (free) and overall it's fine.

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Another vote for the Vos Story Bible and Bible Time line here :)

Here's a link to sample pages at amazon.com


Child's Story Bible


But you can't go wrong with either one. Spend some time at a book store if you can, reading stories in both to get a feel for which you would prefer.


You may also be able to get copies through inter-library loan.

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We're reading through Egermeier's right now. Both of my are really enjoying it. We used the coloring sheets from Calvary Chapel along with it for awhile, but we eventually began to read it at bedtime instead. I used MFW First Grade and loved the narrations, but you can accomplish the same thing with any Bible Storybook.

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Can you tell me more about this resource? It sounds very interesting.




I bought this book through the Veritas Press catalog. It is in the K and 1st grade section. The Big Picture Bible Timeline compiled by Carol Eide. If I knew how to link here, I would link you to it on the VP website. Helas, I am still a neophyte, and it's past my bedtime. :001_huh:


But you can easily find it at veritaspress.com


HTH, Jackie

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