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Yeah, so my dh was driving home from work on Monday and saw a sign that said Boxer Puppies For Sale. What does he do??? Comes home and TELLS ME:lol:. Silly man! So, on our way home from his Dr. appt the following day, we stop to check them out. There were two left, both males, both fawn with white paws and chest's. $400 each. The sign is still up, so he at least has one.


Tell me we don't need a Boxer pup...I'm really tempted! We already have two dogs, two kittens, four kids and four chickens:lol:. Plus, we're starting school in two weeks come Monday. PLUS, one of my children is challenging when it comes to school, thus needing a lot of hand holding (so to speak).


Puppies are a lot of work...puppies are a lot of work...say it with me:lol:...Oh man, but so darn cute!

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Well, I love puppies, but I don't think someone with a sign up in their yard can be trusted to be a responsible breeder. If you want a dog, consider a rescue, or research and find a responsible breeder.



Sorry, but this is definitely one of my soapboxes, but I'm going to stop now.


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In your heart-of-hearts, do you believe you have the energy, time, and patience to successfully school and parent your kids AND introduce a puppy to the household? In a realistic scenario, not a the best-case aliens-have-invaded-my-kids-and-they-obey-my-every-word scenario?


Boxer puppies will be available any time you want one. Your kids are only young once.


(My mom gets so much enjoyment out of the dogs they've had since all of us kids left home. You have years of possible puppy parenting ahead of you.)

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Well, I love puppies, but I don't think someone with a sign up in their yard can be trusted to be a responsible breeder. If you want a dog, consider a rescue, or research and find a responsible breeder.



Sorry, but this is definitely one of my soapboxes, but I'm going to stop now.




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(My mom gets so much enjoyment out of the dogs they've had since all of us kids left home. You have years of possible puppy parenting ahead of you.)


This is so me! I started fostering for a collie rescue, and I LOVE it. My kids are beginning to worry about me........:lol:

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(My mom gets so much enjoyment out of the dogs they've had since all of us kids left home. You have years of possible puppy parenting ahead of you.)


I can see this being me. Our Jack Russell was my baby before we had kids. We still have him and take good care of him, of course, but our kids have moved to the forefront and he's no longer our "baby." Now we have our chihuahua/jack russell pup, which we love, but she's a ton of work. After the kids are grown and moved out, I can see us getting another dog and it becoming my "baby" again.

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Do NOT buy from a guy with a sign on the road.


RUN, run, run away.


Rescue, shelter or, if you really, really must - reputable breeder.


A reputable breeder will health test parents (not just "vet check"; health testing: xrays, ortho assessment, eye assessments; will know the genetic problems popping up in his lines), will carefully plan breedings (not just chuck in any male + female), will screen owners, will ALWAYS take their dog back if you can no longer take care of it, will require you to spay/neuter & will follow up to make sure it's done. They'll be breeding to preserve & promote the best characteristics of the breed - not 'just because they're such nice dogs!'


Please do not support back yard breeders, mills, brokers - millions of dogs are dying because these people breed 'em & sell them to the first person who falls for a cute face. These dogs end up in shelters, abandoned at the end of the road, & most of them end up dead.


Even if YOU are not the person who would dump them, if YOU are the person who would work through any behaviour problems, & expensive health problems, by buying from people like this you support the business.


Stop the demand & the supply will finally start coming down. And maybe the suffering of animals will finaly start easing.


more info on byb's http://www.nopuppymillscanada.ca/byb.htm





BTW - there is a HUGE # of boxers in need in rescue, continent wide. There's a woman here in Vancouver who pulls them off death row in California, flies them up (yup, it costs a fair bit of $), gets them healthy, spays/neuters & adopts them out for a fraction of the cost she put in. ALL because she LOVES this breed & does not want to see a boxer put in a gas box in a shelter.


THINK about this please. If you love boxers, help them. Look at all the available boxers JUST in LA



These dogs will die unless someone adopts them soon.


Odds are there is a boxer rescue which helps in your area & if a rescue boxer is not avail close to you, transport can be arranged.



And you know who bred most of them? Yup, your friendly byb or puppy mill. Reputable breeders' dogs are never in a shelter b/e the moment a reputable breeder hears of their dog being impounded (& they're microchipped with their name so they will hear about it), they are in their car to go pick it up.



:rant: end of rant from your friendly dog foster home for a rescue

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And you know who bred most of them? Yup, your friendly byb or puppy mill. Reputable breeders' dogs are never in a shelter b/e the moment a reputable breeder hears of their dog being impounded (& they're microchipped with their name so they will hear about it), they are in their car to go pick it up.




Yup, that's how we got Mocha. A client of ours breeds champion line boxers and one of hers turned up in a shelter in Seattle. She retrieved the dog and called us knowing that we had lost our Minnie a few months earlier.

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