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Shoot, shoot, shoot! I just sprayed bleach in my eye...

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I have been having terrible allergic reactions to mold, and was attempting to bleach a little spot in my shower that has a recurring mold problem. The plan was:

Bleach the spot

scrub till it's all gone

Rinse till clean

strip out the silicone caulk & replace

I only have a tiny bit of bleach in the house (I don't use it much), and it's in a little spray bottle. Perfect, right? Nope. The spray bottle broke and sprayed the bleach right into my eye. I immediately rinsed my eye with tons of water, and though it still stings and is super-duper red, I can see fine. Is there anything else I should do (other than wear safety goggles next time)? Do I have to see a doc about this? It's very irritated and red, but not unbearable. It does feel like I want to keep my eye shut, for sure, but when it's open it seems like it'll be ok.

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At least you won't have to worry about mold in your eye.


just kidding


All they would do at the ER is rinse your eye with lots and lots and lots of water. It will probably be red for a while as the bleach irritated your eye. Make sure you've rinsed all the bleach off your hands and face and continue to rinse the eye. It may help to buy an OTC eyewash or visine type eye drop.


ETA: it may feel irritated for a while.

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I would jump in the shower and rinse the eye for about 20 minutes. Cupping your hand and holding water over your eye, so you can open your eye and rinse the inside. Replace with fresh water, repeat ..... for 15+ minutes.




That really, really sucks. Ds15 put clear fingernail polish in his eye once as a toddler. I can still remember the panic I felt when he was screaming for what seemed like an hour (it was more like 15 minutes).


I called the paramedics since I couldn't rinse his eye well (ever try to hold a screaming toddler and have theme willingly let you rinse their eye LOL) and was the only one home. They gave him some pain numbing drops and let us drive to the ER, since he finally stopped screaming in pain. The doctor used a special device to look at his eye, declared him good, and sent us on our way. Our concern was different that yours, in that we were worried that he may have chunks of polish in his eye, potentially scratching it.



That really must hurt, sorry you are going through this.


Hope it feels better soon. Take some pain med if you have any, it may take the edge off. Maybe even a cool compress of a frozen wash cloth may help.

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I'd definitely call my doctor and ask them about it.


Just for general info, H2O2 works great at killing mold. It isn't toxic although I wouldn't want to spray it in my eye either.:001_huh: So sorry this happened.:grouphug:

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