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How much exercise is required to be "fit?"

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I know that the term is subjective, but I think most people are pretty good judges of whether they are in shape or not.


For me, it means close to ideal body weight (using BMI or doctor charts) and toned.


So, if you consider yourself to be fit.....how many hours a week do you exercise? And what kind of intensity do you maintain? Running pace? Zumba classes?


The only time in my life that I've ever received comments on my muscle tone, I was working out 2 hours a day/5 days a week with a pretty high intensity.

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I just had this discussion with dh yesterday. I recently completed a fitness bootcamp that helped me increase strength and muscle tone, and now I've been doing the C25K plan because my cardio has always been weak. I feel like I'm gaining back some of what I lost during the bootcamp. So I'm trying to figure out what my body needs (how often and what intensity) to be fit, continue to lose weight, and maintain. I'm thinking I'll probably need to be one of those people who needs 5-6 days/week at an hour+. Now to find the time for that...

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And can it be fun, too? Please......:D Or at least not tedious. I really enjoy things like Pilates and Zumba....not so much the fitness bootcamp, hardcore type stuff. I just wonder if this will get me to where I want to be.


I just had this discussion with dh yesterday. I recently completed a fitness bootcamp that helped me increase strength and muscle tone, and now I've been doing the C25K plan because my cardio has always been weak. I feel like I'm gaining back some of what I lost during the bootcamp. So I'm trying to figure out what my body needs (how often and what intensity) to be fit, continue to lose weight, and maintain. I'm thinking I'll probably need to be one of those people who needs 5-6 days/week at an hour+. Now to find the time for that...
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I know that the term is subjective, but I think most people are pretty good judges of whether they are in shape or not.


For me, it means close to ideal body weight (using BMI or doctor charts) and toned.


So, if you consider yourself to be fit.....how many hours a week do you exercise? And what kind of intensity do you maintain? Running pace? Zumba classes?


The only time in my life that I've ever received comments on my muscle tone, I was working out 2 hours a day/5 days a week with a pretty high intensity.


I am definitely not in shape anymore... but, I was 180 pounds and could play an entire game of soccer, without substituting out once, and I played up front and did lots of running. I considered myself fairly in shape then, even though I was overweight.


Now I don't weigh too much more, but can't play an entire game of soccer, so I consider myself out of shape.


I'm working on getting back in shape/losing weight/eating healthier. I've been working out 3-4 times a week for about an hour, doing aerobic dancing. I need to step it up some.

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I'm still a bit overweight, but feel that I'm fit. I'm 169 now, but even when I was in the 180's I was able to do a complete, 50 minute Jillian Michael's DVD without taking a break. When I started doing 30 Day Shred I was able to handle Level 1 with no problem, whereas I heard other women my size (on a weightloss message board I'm on) complain about how many times they had to stop to catch their breath. I'm still 15 pounds above "normal" weight for someone my age and height (5'6"), but I consider myself "in shape" because I have endurance, and I have strength. Being skinny but quickly worn-out by physical activity isn't "fit" IMO (barring medical issues, of course).


I work out 6 days a week, for anywhere from 30-60 minutes, at fairly high intensity (Jillian Michael's intensity :lol: )

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Fit for what? A westernised version of fit, so that you look toned and tanned and slim?

That word "fit" is a bit of a tricky word- what does it mean?


In many eastern countries, the type of workouts and fitness that many westerners do- thrashing themselves at aerobics classes and gyms- is considered to be bad for you- it wears you out! They walk everywhere and work in their gardens, and do tai chi, and are fitter than most of us.


Then there is the whole bodytype issue. In ayurvedic (Indian) medicine, there are 3 major bodytypes. A person of kapha bodytype has a tendency to overweight, and has large bones and a naturally larger figure. It is good for them to "push" themselves a little to get fit- they have a tendency to be placid and a little lazy. So rigorous exercise for them is healthy.


The pitta, or medium bodytype is naturally quite athletic, and is more inclined to excerise, and often loves sports. However they also have a temperament that can benefit from relaxation and balance, so things like martial arts or yoga can help them find that balance. But running and sports are generally good for them.


Then there is the vata type which is the skinny and more nervous disposition. They can really benefit from moderate exercise, as can anyone, but they need to take care that they dont push thmeselves too far and stress their nervous system. Walking and yoga type exercises are good for them.


Then there are the different types of exercise- cardio, weight bearing and stretching. We need a balance. Just doing cardio such as bike riding is only one aspect that neglects the others.


The generally accepted minimum is 30 minutes of fast walking, 5 times a week. But thats just for cardio.


I like variety in my exercise but I walk regularly, and do a dance class, and do yoga and chi king. I also do weights at home sometimes.


I am not extremely well tones because I probably dont do enough. But I enjoy what I do and I dont like thrashing myself.

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And can it be fun, too? Please......:D Or at least not tedious. I really enjoy things like Pilates and Zumba....not so much the fitness bootcamp, hardcore type stuff. I just wonder if this will get me to where I want to be.


I think it can be lots of fun - this is coming from a woman who used to HATE exercising in any form! Getting and staying fit is hard for some women; I am one of them, and I think it's going to be a constant battle for me. Pilates and Zumba are great programs, and I know several women who are in excellent shape as a result. As Peela mentioned, body type is definitely going to be a factor... as is metabolism, diet, sleep, medications (if any)... there are so many things that will affect getting fit, and it's definitely not a "one-size-fits-all" fix like we're made to believe in exercise infomercials, magazines, etc. I've found the suggestion of having an exercise buddy is truly motivating and is one of the things that works for me. Left to my own devices, I'm lazy!

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Fit for what? A westernised version of fit, so that you look toned and tanned and slim?

That word "fit" is a bit of a tricky word- what does it mean?


In many eastern countries, the type of workouts and fitness that many westerners do- thrashing themselves at aerobics classes and gyms- is considered to be bad for you- it wears you out! They walk everywhere and work in their gardens, and do tai chi, and are fitter than most of us.


Then there is the whole bodytype issue. In ayurvedic (Indian) medicine, there are 3 major bodytypes. A person of kapha bodytype has a tendency to overweight, and has large bones and a naturally larger figure. It is good for them to "push" themselves a little to get fit- they have a tendency to be placid and a little lazy. So rigorous exercise for them is healthy.


The pitta, or medium bodytype is naturally quite athletic, and is more inclined to excerise, and often loves sports. However they also have a temperament that can benefit from relaxation and balance, so things like martial arts or yoga can help them find that balance. But running and sports are generally good for them.


Then there is the vata type which is the skinny and more nervous disposition. They can really benefit from moderate exercise, as can anyone, but they need to take care that they dont push thmeselves too far and stress their nervous system. Walking and yoga type exercises are good for them.


Then there are the different types of exercise- cardio, weight bearing and stretching. We need a balance. Just doing cardio such as bike riding is only one aspect that neglects the others.


The generally accepted minimum is 30 minutes of fast walking, 5 times a week. But thats just for cardio.


I like variety in my exercise but I walk regularly, and do a dance class, and do yoga and chi king. I also do weights at home sometimes.


I am not extremely well tones because I probably dont do enough. But I enjoy what I do and I dont like thrashing myself.


Peela, I just love your responses! You are always so insightful. Thank you for helping us to keep things in perspective. :)

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I know that the term is subjective, but I think most people are pretty good judges of whether they are in shape or not.


For me, it means close to ideal body weight (using BMI or doctor charts) and toned.


So, if you consider yourself to be fit.....how many hours a week do you exercise? And what kind of intensity do you maintain? Running pace? Zumba classes?


The only time in my life that I've ever received comments on my muscle tone, I was working out 2 hours a day/5 days a week with a pretty high intensity.


I think you're right that most people know when they are. I feel like I'm pretty fit right now because 1) I'm at a good weight and 2) I'm strong. "Strong" for me means that I can lift the weights I want, do the push-ups and pull-ups I want and do jumping jacks and such for quite awhile without getting tired. Also, it means working out enough that my abs are strong enough to keep my back from hurting.


I work out 3-4 times a week, usually a Jillian Michaels sort of workout (like Shred, or her longer ones), and I do pull-ups on the side (I'm only up to about two at a time, but I'm proud of those two!) I do use heavier weights on most of the exercises than the 3 lbs. ones those videos were filmed with.


But I have a body that responds well to weights and plyometrics. I think different people have different ways that work better for them. I have a friend who wouldn't feel fit unless she could run 10-15 miles easily! And for me, running=ugh. :)

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Yes, Please?

Fit for what? A westernised version of fit, so that you look toned and tanned and slim?
:blush: That's what I had in mind when I asked, but I'm trying to lose the unrealistic expectations.


Unfortunately, THIS is me..........

Then there is the whole bodytype issue. In ayurvedic (Indian) medicine, there are 3 major bodytypes. A person of kapha bodytype has a tendency to overweight, and has large bones and a naturally larger figure. It is good for them to "push" themselves a little to get fit- they have a tendency to be placid and a little lazy. So rigorous exercise for them is healthy.
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Unfortunately, THIS is me..........


That's my body type to but I don't think it's unfortunate. :)


Regardless, I tend to view weight and fit as two separate things. I was at one of the most fit periods of my life a couple of years ago when I weighed more then I do now and was near the peak of my adult weight. I was exercising intensely with workout videos about 45 minutes to an hour each day and taking long, fast walks.


I'm slowly losing weight now but that's due more to a bit of a lifestyle change that has be exercising more moderately and eating less. But I'd rather be what I was a couple if years ago, heavier but in much better shape.

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Unfortunately, THIS is me..........


Yes, but that is where all the conflict comes in because someone of a kapha constitution is never going to look like a magazine woman at all. Yet in India, it is considered the most beautiful body type- and for good reason. It is naturally beautiful. Our society has just gone all screwey over body image and has this thing about perpetual youth and a masculine type of body rather than a feminine type. No hips, small chest. The kapha type is curvy, voluptous and feminine, with a layer of fat that softens the figure.


Do you love your figure yet ? :lol:


Its winter here and so cold- feels colder than I remember previous winters- and I can barely move my butt to go for a walk. I am doing the Flylady thing- I just make myself do 15 minutes. Once I get going, I am usually hpapy to do more than that, but I have to bribe myself! I also booked into a dance class because once I actually get there and get moving, it is FUN, and I end up puffed and a bit sweaty and often laughing.

I try not to live up to unrealstic ideals and just do what I can.

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For me fit has nothing to how I look, but how I feel.


I am fairly slim, but unfit. I feel better if I do 60-120 minutes exercise a day. The things I do are walks in spring , summer and autumn. in winter it is too dark when I have spare time, so I use an exercise bike, I also referee basketball, 4-5 games a week.


I really aren't into body image at all,

I also aren't into the 3 body shapes thing. I know of at lease 10 body shapes, and if I thought hard about it there is probably more: there is slim, medium and large build, there is before child, after 1 child after many children, pre-menopause, after menopause and the saggy old shape , etc. etc. etc

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