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House bothering you? Dirty laundry piling up? Dishes in a stack in the sink? Decluttering to be done?


Join me in the 5 minute timer challenge!


Set your timer for ten minutes, clean up, pick up and put away. Then come back and tell us what you accomplished.

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House bothering you? Dirty laundry piling up? Dishes in a stack in the sink? Decluttering to be done?


Join me in the 5 minute timer challenge!


Set your timer for ten minutes, clean up, pick up and put away. Then come back and tell us what you accomplished.


Do I hafta? :001_tt2: Off to set the buzzer....;)

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First 5: Yanked a load of laundry off the clothesline and threw it at my daughter to fold. Cleaned bathroom sink.


Next 5: Stacked 24 rolls of toilet paper under the sink and made a glass of iced tea. :)


phatui, I'm so glad you posted this! Seriously, I was thinking about it last night. I've been on the road all day, just got home and sat down to read the forums, and there was the 5 minute challenge staring me in the face!


Off now to catch up on new posts and google phatui to see if it has a deeper meaning than the "patooey" I always say in my head...;)

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I'm having 35 people over my house on Sunday for a pool party to meet my new niece that my sister who lives in another state adopted in March. This is the only time many of our relatives will get to meet her. Anyway, I've been trying to fix up the backyard and wash down the plastic chairs and stuff for the past couple of days. BUT, IT'S SO HOT! So, I do a little weeding or washing of stuff for about 15 minutes, then jump in the pool for a half hour! :lol: I'm not getting much done. I've been working on cleaning the grill for about 3 hours now! :D

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